Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Christmas Crunch

(Musically) Its seven days till Christmas and my true love gave to meeee

Seven Ulcers Bleeding, Must wake up at Six in the morning, FIVE LOADS OF UNFOLDED LAUNDRY, Four hours left of sewing, Three ornaments on the tree, Two stinky dogs, And a baby in a reindeer suit!!!!!!

Ha ha so that was my attempt at a Christmas carol joke! Just emphasizing the fact that every year I procrastinate and turn this holiday of joy and family into stress and tiredness!! I have not wrapped a single present yet (except for the one we already gave our little brother), I have a mound of housework that has crept back on me, and I will finish my knitted sweater vest this weekend come heck or high water!!!

I need to make a list and attack this strategically. But there may not be a post till post holidays because this is another thing I can use to put off the chores that need to be done! So I'll post some fun picks and I'll catch my two fans on the flip side!!

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