Monday, January 12, 2009

Teeth Are Fun!!

This last Saturday I left Sugar Bear overnight for the first time! Since he was in my belly we have never spent a night apart and it was time. So what does he do on his first night away from the 'rents? He grows a tooth!

Sure enough when we left him with more Meerpohls on Saturday he was all gums, when we picked him up on Sunday he had a lower chomper. What a little stinker!! Decides to sprout a tooth for his aunt and uncle before he does it for him mom and dad. I guess it was fitting in the great circle of life as his cousin lost a tooth the night he was there. Go Figure!

I FINALLY FINISHED THE SWEATER VEST!!! Yeah!! A small step for some knitters is a giant, football field length, triple jump for me! It is two weeks past the first time I vowed to get it done but it is done (I have included picture proof) and I will actually wear it. :-) I don't say that about everything I knit.

So between teeth and knits the Christmas decor also came down. Sometimes I feel like I'm just running in place but for the last couple of days I have been ticking things off the list. So if 2009 keeps rolling like this I like it!

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