Saturday, July 20, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday Al!

 It's always fun when your birthday lands on a weekend, today was all about Alex and getting ready to host some friends for his birthday. After sleeping in a little, (we had the late baseball game for Daryl last night), Alex and I headed to the store to shop. Armed with sandwiches, chips, cake and ice cream it was time to clean! 

This was not a part of the day Alex had planned on but we had to get company ready. I slipped in a quick sewing project before we picked up two of Alex's friends. We had food, cake and Ice Cream and then we went to Skyzone. It was just what Al asked for and mission accomplished! Bonus, Aunt Rita and Uncle Steve stopped by for the birthday boy! And the house is clean!

Making his wish!

Got some gaming headphones from Mom

Sewing project! 

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