Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Goal Check In

With the fair behind us and school in front of us, we have a few weeks to relax. Daryl did a workforce training program this summer and the last day for that was July 19th. He worked from 9-12 Monday-Thursday and on Friday he had a lesson in professional development. The program was put on by the city and it was call Topeka Way to Work. If you have a 14-16 year old next summer, check it out! Now when he goes to apply for a part time job he will have some work experience and it kept him occupied this summer while making a little money. 

Alex had some school enrichment in June but has had July to himself. He is doing things for me when I ask him and doing some creative writing, unprompted! Excellent July Boys, we did good!  

Read 18 Books 14/18 

I read two books this month and that was mostly because my first book was already half read when the month started! July is a busy month so I'm glad I still made time to read. 

Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert was a book I had been picking at for a couple of months. I learned all the ins and outs of Dune in the first book but this one was still a slow read. Like the first book this one got good when there was only 3/4 of the book left. So now I do want to read the third Dune book but will the first part of the book be any better?! 

The Color Purple by Alice Walker was literary perfection. 10/10, should have read sooner. There is a reason it is on all of the "best books" lists. It is both painful and beautiful, sorrowful and joyful. Such a hard thing to do and I loved every page. This book is for sure, going on the shelf. 

Run 600 Miles 365/600

I don't know when I will learn not to take the first half of the month easy. This is how my weeks of July went to get to my 55 mile goal 

Week 1: 9.1 miles

Week 2: 11.45 miles

Week 3: 8.42 miles

Week 4: 15.8 miles

July 28-31: 11 miles 

Monthly Healthy Habit Drink More Water  

Not only did I keep my water bottle with me at all times this month, I've also started to up my fruits and veggies again. Nothing with too much acid though, I do not want mouth sores again! 

In August I'm going to try to eat more protein! 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Garage Door Replace Windows In a holding pattern on my new windows
  • Down payment on New Car (Done July) Found my new car in July! The plan was to put down 10K ended up putting more down to make my monthly payment lower. My savings account is sad, but I'm very happy! 
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K Made a principle payment in July
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Made the smallest transfer to savings in July that I have all year. It's an expensive month. Alex's Birthday, County Fair, and yearly vet appointments so saving anything is a plus! 
Daryl working the concessions stand for 
4-H Exchange 

Alex and I reporting for duty at the 4-H pancake feed! 

We had two baseball games during the fair. Thankfully after last night we are done! 

Daryl's best showing in Archery ever!

My favorite fair scarecrow.
The '24 theme was "Get Carried Away at the Shawnee County Fair" 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

County Fair Lite

 Today is day #1 of County Fair 2024. I thought we cut our entries down last year, well this year we cut even more! The fair is a great part of 4-H but it is not the only part. As the boys get older I don't press them to enter several items for each of their projects. I know just offer my help to get done what they want to do. And since mostly they just want to be with their friends it makes it an easier week for me. 

Last week we helped our club decorate our haybale, that was fun! Also last week Daryl had his buymanship judged. This week he has Archery and is working in the concessions stand. After I realized I didn't complete an entry for Alex's computer presentation, he is just being a helper this year. Honestly, he is the most meticulous help I could ask for! I think one thing that the county fair has taught my boys  is to pitch in. At the fair if your area is done you go and ask your neighbor if they need help. If someone asks you to run to the office for something you go get it. It's teamwork at its finest. 

Happy Fair Week everyone! It's going to be hot and not everyone will be the champion. I hope you all still have a good time and be nice to yourselves! 

Daryl's Buymanship outfit, once he found the
peacock golf shirt he made the outfit around it!

Helping mom set up fair displays!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday Al!

 It's always fun when your birthday lands on a weekend, today was all about Alex and getting ready to host some friends for his birthday. After sleeping in a little, (we had the late baseball game for Daryl last night), Alex and I headed to the store to shop. Armed with sandwiches, chips, cake and ice cream it was time to clean! 

This was not a part of the day Alex had planned on but we had to get company ready. I slipped in a quick sewing project before we picked up two of Alex's friends. We had food, cake and Ice Cream and then we went to Skyzone. It was just what Al asked for and mission accomplished! Bonus, Aunt Rita and Uncle Steve stopped by for the birthday boy! And the house is clean!

Making his wish!

Got some gaming headphones from Mom

Sewing project! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

June Goal Check In

It's almost halfway through July and I've finally documented my June progress! I'm also trying to stay on top of my running all month and not just the last week. My monthly goal is easier if I start sooner...who knew?

So far this month we celebrated the 4th of July and the boys are on vacation with their dad. When they get back it will be full steam ahead on county fair prep! 

We should also be wrapping up baseball soon. If the fields can stay dry for us! 

Read 18 Books 12/18 

I really wanted the hat that the library was giving away for the summer reading challenge. Last year they ran out of the prize so I was out to read three books as fast as possible. Good News, I got the hat! The challenge really helped my reading goal! 

Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner was not what you would think based on the title. And the looks I got reading this book at baseball games was hilarious. It is actually a pretty good read about a young woman finding herself. It's a 7 for me. I think that's the highest rating I can give a book that I won't actually keep for my book shelf. 

Yellowface by Rebecca Kuang was on hold from the library for long enough I can't remember what prompted me to place the hold. But I'm glad I did. This was a great book that had me guessing the entire time. It starts as possible plagiarism and weaves in a lot of social themes that writers deal with. Including not reading your books reviews!  It was a unique story and I appreciate that in a summer read. I would have put this one on my shelf, but alas it was a library book.

To end out my reading challenge I read Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I came across this book by accident as I finished reading Yellowface while on vacation in South Carolina. The Air BnB we stayed in had a lending library and I knew this title so I decided to give it a read. This book is terrible because of the subject matter but so good because of how it is written and the story that it is telling. I understand why it was a best seller for so long. I recommend but it is not a beach read, even though I read most of it on a beach! 

Run 600 Miles 309/600

Once again I got serious about my running goal the last ten days of the month. I got my last two miles on Sunday evening, the last day of the month. LOL 

Monthly Healthy Habit Drink More Water  

I have increased my water intake. Mostly because of my cool new Yellow KU water bottle. Your water bottle matters! 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Garage Door Replace Windows In a holding pattern on my new windows
  • Down payment on New Car cashed out my CD that I'm using just for this purpose. Now I wait until August to find new car.....
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K Made a principle payment in June 
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Put money in the savings account in May, but also made a withdrawal for the windows. So my savings account is sad, but not financing windows makes me happy. 

Waiting for the Potwin Parade

Having fun with smoke bombs

Love the T-High drumline!

We did watch the big fireworks at Auburndale but came home to do some of our own.
It was a great 4th of July!