Sunday, August 20, 2023

Happy Birthday Dear Daryl!

 I blinked and you are 15. You have grown up so much this last year. I wasn't sure we were going to survive middle school and here you are handling high school like a boss. I am so thankful your frustrations with me and my house rules have lessened, because you brother is now picking up the slack! LOL 

Today you got to do some of your favorite things, went to a card show in Kansas City with dad then had Sushi with Alex and I. I hope you had a good day, your birthday is always at a busy back to school time. I knew you would just want to sleep in today, and that you did, 10am is when you finally came upstairs! Lol 

Love you bud, 15 looks good on you! 

Tiramisu for dessert! 

We almost finished all our sushi.

He loved his towels from Grandma and preloaded wallet from Alex and I.

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