Thursday, August 10, 2023

Alex Update

Alex had his first follow up appointment since his hospitalization.  He had his first medical infusion in the hospital and he has had one outpatient. We are optimistic he is on the right medication because he is not having side effects and his numbers are getting better. Inflammation is going down and Iron is coming up. He is not in remission from his flare but his doctor didn't really expect that this soon. Maybe at three months out? It will take time for his little body to heal. 
Thanks everyone for the ongoing love and support for Alex and Daryl and Me. We have all been on a little roller coaster and my support system really came through for us. Best news for last, we found out Alex has gained 10 pounds since his first appointment with Children's Mercy on June 26th! He is up to 67 and the doctors would like to see him at 80. We will get there!

Still dressing like it's the dead of winter, he told me he is not cold anymore
these clothes are just more comfortable than shorts. LOL

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