Saturday, August 5, 2023

Bye Bye Grandma

 This week was our first in months without Grandma Rosie at the manor. 🥺 We know we have to share and are grateful for all the extra time we got this year! She has moved west till winter.

Lola and Purl haven't felt the loss completely because the boys were home this week. We had ALL the appointments because school is starting next week! Have you ever heard of school starting on August 8th? It's crazy early this year. 

Today Ms. Molly hooked Daryl and Al up with haircuts and I got their school supplies in Lawrence. This was kinda smart because they don't start for a couple of weeks so they still had all the supplies!! 

Other than preparing for school we played pickelball almost every night this week. The boys were silly and we had fun 90% of the time. That's pretty good for brothers! 

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