Sunday, August 20, 2023

Happy Birthday Dear Daryl!

 I blinked and you are 15. You have grown up so much this last year. I wasn't sure we were going to survive middle school and here you are handling high school like a boss. I am so thankful your frustrations with me and my house rules have lessened, because you brother is now picking up the slack! LOL 

Today you got to do some of your favorite things, went to a card show in Kansas City with dad then had Sushi with Alex and I. I hope you had a good day, your birthday is always at a busy back to school time. I knew you would just want to sleep in today, and that you did, 10am is when you finally came upstairs! Lol 

Love you bud, 15 looks good on you! 

Tiramisu for dessert! 

We almost finished all our sushi.

He loved his towels from Grandma and preloaded wallet from Alex and I.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Back to School!

 It is exciting times at The Manor. Both boys started in new buildings this year with Al going to Robinson Middle School and Daryl going to Topeka High School. I always feel the most for Daryl when these changes happen because he figures it out for the rest of us. 

That was apparent when Alex was asking Daryl questions all Sunday about middle school. Daryl calmed him, reassured him and was a wealth of information. I know Daryl had the same nerves and the same questions but he had to figure it out. 

Figuring it out means he did get lost on the 2nd day, he did forgo sports this first season and he has gotten home a new way for three days straight. I marvel at the problem solving skills he is developing and I'm being patient with the mood swings. He is going through a lot. But he is doing awesome! 

I know this because we had meet the teacher night last night and he is in really good hands. Alex is also in good hands and he is also starting to settle into a groove. One thing Alex is going to have to work on is asking questions when he doesn't understand. He is hesitant to get clarification for himself but he is getting better! 

I am trying to dedicate myself to a school time routine. The night before school we take time to think about the next day and even put out our clothes. I'm tired of trying to find the right shirt or the right socks when we need to be out the door! What has won me the "worst mom ever" award is my no phones after 9pm rule. That is bedtime and the phones don't go to their rooms. I'm sticking to my guns and Daryl told me he will never admit it helps him sleep. But I think it does! 

Here is to all my moms out there setting the new routines and sticking to their guns! We can be terrible moms together!! 

6th grade ready!

9th grade bound!

Daryl's new high school is gorgeous! 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Alex Update

Alex had his first follow up appointment since his hospitalization.  He had his first medical infusion in the hospital and he has had one outpatient. We are optimistic he is on the right medication because he is not having side effects and his numbers are getting better. Inflammation is going down and Iron is coming up. He is not in remission from his flare but his doctor didn't really expect that this soon. Maybe at three months out? It will take time for his little body to heal. 
Thanks everyone for the ongoing love and support for Alex and Daryl and Me. We have all been on a little roller coaster and my support system really came through for us. Best news for last, we found out Alex has gained 10 pounds since his first appointment with Children's Mercy on June 26th! He is up to 67 and the doctors would like to see him at 80. We will get there!

Still dressing like it's the dead of winter, he told me he is not cold anymore
these clothes are just more comfortable than shorts. LOL

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Bye Bye Grandma

 This week was our first in months without Grandma Rosie at the manor. 🥺 We know we have to share and are grateful for all the extra time we got this year! She has moved west till winter.

Lola and Purl haven't felt the loss completely because the boys were home this week. We had ALL the appointments because school is starting next week! Have you ever heard of school starting on August 8th? It's crazy early this year. 

Today Ms. Molly hooked Daryl and Al up with haircuts and I got their school supplies in Lawrence. This was kinda smart because they don't start for a couple of weeks so they still had all the supplies!! 

Other than preparing for school we played pickelball almost every night this week. The boys were silly and we had fun 90% of the time. That's pretty good for brothers! 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

June/July Update

Look at you all, getting two months update for the price of one! Life has been coming fast at The Manor and we are all starting to find a new groove. And that is just looking at this past week. LOL 

The boys have a new chore chart, I have a new chore chart, I'm getting some workouts in and I'm reading before bed instead of watching TV. All good things to start doing!  

Read 24 Books: 13/24

I read two books in June and three in July. Not going to lie, read almost one entire book while Alex was in the hospital. So that helped the monthly goal! 

I started June reading Spare by Prince Harry. I'm a big fan of the Netflix show The Crown and have followed Princess Diana drama since I was old enough to read tabloid covers in the grocery checkout line. I really appreciated Prince Harry's side of the story since he has been labeled a "goof up" since he was very young. If you are interested in the Royal Family this book was very good. My  next book was Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren. This was a beach read romance and while predictable, a good quick read. 

Started July with Chelsea Handler's Life Will be the Death of Me. This was nothing like the first Handler book I read, that book was one comedy bit after another and was so good I put it on my bookshelf to read again later. This book was excellent but it was deeper and rooted in Handler working with a therapist to figure out why she is the way she is. I still laughed but I was also deeply moved and provided very good reflections. I will be keeping this book too, that's my ultimate test of a book! 

My next book The Leftovers by Perotta was a bit of a let down. It started so good and the story line of an unexplained rapture had so many possibilities of how it could go. Then it just ended. Nothing concluded, nothing solved, no story lines satisfied. I was looking for a couple more chapters when it ended, boo. 

The book I just finished is Courting Mr. Lincoln by Louis Bayard. This book is historical fiction but the author did explain he got the basis of the story from historical letters and biographies on Mary Todd. Once I got used to the English of that time, I really enjoyed it! I now have a Mary Todd Lincoln biography on my "to read" list. 

Run 760 Miles: 381/760

Running and working out have taken a hit this summer. I will keep tracking my miles but my goal might be too lofty for my current state of mind. I think I need to start a half marathon training plan from scratch. With a 3 mile long run to start with! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg principle down 5K  still making those principle payments. I'm $1875 dollars away from this goal. Right on track for this point of the year! 
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!
Another money thing I started this month was putting money in the boys' 529 plans. These plans were started before my divorce and have just been sitting there rising and falling with the market. I'm finally ready to put contributions to those accounts back into my monthly budget! With Daryl starting High School next month, college will be here before we know it. (And it's not getting any cheaper...)

Trips: In June we went to Texas! Actually, Daryl went to Texas twice in June! LOL 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month Completely ignoring this goal in July, I actually started a new knitting project. LOL 

On Sunday I picked up some of Alex's friends
for an end of summer/birthday skate! Not pictures is one friend
who met us there. It was a lot of fun!

Might have stayed at the park a little longer after skating
if it hadn't been 1,000 degrees outside!