Thursday, March 2, 2023

Goal Check In after 2 months!

This month was not great but also not terrible. A pretty "Meh" February as far as goals go. That's ok because I already feel motivated day 2 into March. Maybe it's the weather. I want to do stuff!! 

 Read 24 Books: 4/24

I did get two books read this month. The first was a thriller In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. It was a good read with some twists in it. My second was Are you there Vodka, It's me Chelsea by Chelsea Handler. I enjoy Chelsea's humor and I want to read more of her books. She turns going to prison into a laugh out loud story. PS-It was her sister who had a warrant out for her arrest! 

Right on track with my reading goal. 

Run 760 Miles: 110/760

I wanted to run 58 miles in Feb. but I ended up with 55. I missed my long run last weekend and that is what did me in. I'm blaming Married At First Sight on Netflix. I started watching it on Friday night and I finished all 20 episodes by Sunday. There, now you know my secret shame. I like the worst reality TV shows! LOL 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg principle down 5K  made a principle only payment this month!
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb! 

Trips: Unless you count the building Daryl had his spelling bee in, and I don't really. I didn't get to a new place in Feb. Had a place picked out, but it didn't work out. Will make more effort on this in March! 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month

The reason I need this goal is very obvious. I've now lived two months into this year and still have tied up zero loose ends. This is getting ridiculous...

Lola is a mess to sleep with

Even Purl Agrees

Lola needs to learn personal space!

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