Sunday, March 26, 2023

I Could Get Used To This!

 Yesterday was a fun surprise as I was getting in my long run miles. I had 8 on the schedule and wasn't committed to any particular route. I was just feeling it out as I went. When it was time to turn back to my house I realized I was on the street that the boys live when they are with Kelly. 

I also know that Daryl started track practice on Monday and I hadn't heard anything about it. So i couldn't resist knocking on their door and asking if Daryl wanted to run my last two miles with me. 

Much to my surprise he said yes and was excited to do it. ❤ For twenty minutes we ran, I had to keep slowing him down, and I heard all about his first week of track. He hopes he gets to run the mile or two mile race. I can't wait for track meets and to have a morning running buddy from time to time. 

Our entire run Daryl kept a good pace and didn't complain once. Oh my heart! 

Post run selfie!

My miles after picking up my running buddy! 

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