Friday, August 19, 2022

Happy Birthday (Tomorrow) D!

Tomorrow, my first baby will turn 14. I'm am just in shock that my chubby cheeks talker has transformed into a dashing young man that gives just one-word answers! 

14 years of teaching me how to be a mom hasn't been easy for him, but we are making it. He hasn't felt the best this week, fighting some allergies, but he is still giving me some smiles and letting me get sappy about how old he is getting. 

I think eighth grade is going to be amazing, he is really determined to have a great last year of middle school. Football practice is starting and he is a teacher's aid this first semester. He told me, "it's nice to have a little power." That kid! 

He likes sports, shoes, fishing and hanging out at the Rec. He helps me mow when I ask and can make us all eggs. When you are not rolling your eyes at me, you are stealing my heart. Love you D! 

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