Thursday, August 11, 2022

1st Day of School!

How is it back to school time already? Alex had his first day of 5th grade yesterday and Daryl has his first day of 8th grade today! How is this our last year of grade school? Daryl is excited for football, and I'm excited to get them back next week and grill them on ALL THE THINGS! 

Kelly did send me the traditional first day of school pictures and I talked to them both when they picked up their school supplies from my house Monday. Summer went fast, but I'm ready to get back on a schedule. I will not be the first one going to bed anymore! LOL 

Alex finished the book Code Talker last week and Daryl is working furiously on his book The Night Gardener. They had a goal to read 12 books this year and right now they are both sitting at 6. When Daryl finishes his current book he will be at 7. I'm not stressed about it, they have been reading longer books and Alex is reading books without illustrations, so they take a little longer. 

I'm glad as much as they grumble about reading time, they do like the books we pick out together! 

1st day of 8th grade! 

1st day of 5th grade!

Be careful when your mom is 
following your Instagram! LOL 

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