Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August Goal Update!

 This month was a lot better on the goal front, even with a couple of busy weekends. I will do a separate post about the race I just completed. I'm still waiting for the race photos to be published. 

Two weekends ago we went to Dodge City to celebrate my Uncle and Aunt's 50th wedding anniversary. It was a great celebration and I got to see family I haven't seen in years. 

Then my sister and I shared a pitcher of margaritas, that was fun too! The boys got to swim at the pool and my favorite pictures are the ones with the Grain Elevator in the background. It just reminds me of growing up with Grain Elevators everywhere. 

I hope everyone else had a productive August too! I'm hope that September brings some fall weather to us! 

Read 21 Books: 13 /21

I read two books this month. The first was a really good thriller, finished it in about a week! The Whisper Man by Alex North is a fiction book I recommend, has all the twists and turns to keep you reading! My second book was a non fiction about the social service system in Finland. It took a little longer to get through. The Nordic Theory of Everything by Anu Partane was very interesting. We hear a lot about other countries and how they get free health care, long term care and education. Needless to say most of what we hear is not correct. 

Run 720 Miles: 484/720

I ran/walked 64 miles this month! I started slow not going much over two miles at a time. My hip is still getting better but I was pleased as punch to finish a 10K on Sunday with no walking. (More on that in my next post) I'm back on track with this goal! 

Money Goals: Got my monthly principle payment made....that's something! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 2/3

Holding pattern here. 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 12

I changed some of my Daily Habits goals and the refresh was what I needed to motivate myself again. I'm going to stick with 5 daily habits and try to hit 15 in September. 

Hi Al! 

Maybe last high dive of the summer?

Can't forget a picture of Daryl with his birthday 
fried Ice Cream from Uncle Steve and Aunt Rita!

My goal to knit everyday is producing...hats, lots of hats!

Friday, August 19, 2022

Happy Birthday (Tomorrow) D!

Tomorrow, my first baby will turn 14. I'm am just in shock that my chubby cheeks talker has transformed into a dashing young man that gives just one-word answers! 

14 years of teaching me how to be a mom hasn't been easy for him, but we are making it. He hasn't felt the best this week, fighting some allergies, but he is still giving me some smiles and letting me get sappy about how old he is getting. 

I think eighth grade is going to be amazing, he is really determined to have a great last year of middle school. Football practice is starting and he is a teacher's aid this first semester. He told me, "it's nice to have a little power." That kid! 

He likes sports, shoes, fishing and hanging out at the Rec. He helps me mow when I ask and can make us all eggs. When you are not rolling your eyes at me, you are stealing my heart. Love you D! 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

1st Day of School!

How is it back to school time already? Alex had his first day of 5th grade yesterday and Daryl has his first day of 8th grade today! How is this our last year of grade school? Daryl is excited for football, and I'm excited to get them back next week and grill them on ALL THE THINGS! 

Kelly did send me the traditional first day of school pictures and I talked to them both when they picked up their school supplies from my house Monday. Summer went fast, but I'm ready to get back on a schedule. I will not be the first one going to bed anymore! LOL 

Alex finished the book Code Talker last week and Daryl is working furiously on his book The Night Gardener. They had a goal to read 12 books this year and right now they are both sitting at 6. When Daryl finishes his current book he will be at 7. I'm not stressed about it, they have been reading longer books and Alex is reading books without illustrations, so they take a little longer. 

I'm glad as much as they grumble about reading time, they do like the books we pick out together! 

1st day of 8th grade! 

1st day of 5th grade!

Be careful when your mom is 
following your Instagram! LOL 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Goal Update (It's not pretty)

 I won't bury the lead. Goals did not happen in July. I can give you many excuses; busy, injured, hot. But the truth is I went six days in a row of not tracking and decided the whole month was trashed. 

We will call July my goal vacation, I may trash a month but I'm not going to trash my year! If anything I need to work harder so if I decide to trash December I've still accomplished things this year. 

It's fine to have a great month and shout it from the roof top when you do everything you set out to do. It's also fine to be honest and let people know that you also ride the struggle bus from time to time. This was a struggle bus month. 

PS-The most visual result of trashing my goals for the month is my house looks trashed too! The 10 min. tidy up is making a come back! 

Read 21 Books: 11 /21

I finished zero books in July. I did start about four, so I should be able to finish some of those for August! 

Run 720 Miles: 420/720

My hip was uncooperative this month. I've been to one doctor, need to go to another. Not running can't be the option...I don't accept it. With faulty hip I mostly walked 20 miles this month. Some miles is better than no miles. 

Money Goals: Made an extra principle payment! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 2/3

The deposit for trip number three has been paid! Passport (Check) Friends on board (Check) Hotel and Flights booked (Check). Now patiently wait for months..........

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 0,

I changed some of my Daily Habits goals. I need so new ones just to keep me motivated! My New Daily Habit goals are: Move AM and PM, Read 15 min, Tidy Up 10 min, Sew or Knit and Don't waste $. Good news is yesterday, I hit them all! 

July goal tracker was a waste of a
sheet of paper....

August will be better!

Saturday Alex had his first Ramen, this 
needs to be documented!