Sunday, March 13, 2022

Work Trip, What's That?

 For the first time since 2016 I had an out of state work conference. This was also the first time I've flown since our  2019 family trip to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons! First thing I forgot was to check my e-mail before leaving the house. 

I decided to opt for the smaller Manhattan Airport over Kansas City. I don't regret that, however my flight was delayed by hours, this was sent to me by e-mail at 2:30am. So I arrived for my 6am takeoff  at 5am only to realize my new flight time was 10am. Boooo!

Thankfully, the leadership training I attended was excellent! My co-hort is awesome and I'm making so many new friends. And I speak from experience, Extension friends are some of the best. 

The training was intense, I only left the hotel twice once I got there. And both times it was classmates that got me out, and I am forever thankful. Lisa took me for a nice walk to the bean that was only a mile away, and Byron talked me into a traditional Chicago lunch. He had the hot dog and I opted for the beef and peppers sandwich. 

So much fun and I can't wait to see them all again in June in Kansas City. Our last session will be in Washington DC and I'm looking forward to that too. Yay NELD 2022! We are figuring some stuff out! 

PS-The Kansas delegation is the cutest, we didn't take a vote, because we knew we didn't have to ;-) 

Aren't we so cute?!

Today was so nice, let Spring Break begin! 
Us in the Bean! 

I can wait five hours....I brought a book....


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