Tuesday, March 1, 2022

February Goals!

 So the daily habit tracker got a little easier in February. I had to make some adjustments because trying to finish all my daily habits right before bed was setting me up for failure. My best bet to hit all my habits is to take care of my 30 minutes of working out and 10 minute tidy up in the morning before work. Then my evening is still pretty much my own. Drinking the water hasn't gotten easier, but I haven't given up! 

Read 21 Books: 3/21

This month I read We were the Mulvaney's by Joyce Carol Oates. It was a great read about a large family that starts to fall apart from the inside out. Will the family find each other again and repair their relationships? You gotta read the book! 

Run 720 Miles: 127/720

I started some long runs this month, and I can still do them! I added 66 miles in a short month. Not too shabby! I even rested a couple of days because I remember what happened last year when I didn't rest. Trying to run smarter this year! My running highlight was going all the way around lake Shawnee last Sunday. No wind, beautiful temp, it doesn't get much better! 

Money Goals: With the help of my Tax return I actually knocked some of these out!! Yay!! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg principle down 5K, I did make a principal payment in Feb. :-)  

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 0/3

I haven't taken any trips but a golfing trip with mom is on the books for April and Summer Vacation is on the books for May! "On the books" means I've made some payments and reservations, so no turning back! 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 15, 4 more days than last month! I added a sixth habit not to waste money, if I buy something not in the budget, I wasted money. 

Daryl and Alex both finished books in February. Daryl read New Kid  and he read The Hunger Games in school. He enjoyed it so much his teacher lent him a copy of the next book in the series to read on his own. He is racing through it! Alex read Dog Man For Whom the Ball Rolls. Both boys are right on track for their 12 books a year. 

Reading his Catching Fire book while waiting in my office

Our new couch has recliners! Yay!


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