Sunday, March 6, 2022

County Spelling Bee

 After much anticipation yesterday was the Shawnee County Spelling Bee! It was held at Washburn Rural High School and Alex was so excited he got up a little before six and wanted to do spelling words. This is the first year (4th grade) he got to participate in his school bee so it was really exciting that he made it to the county bee. However, he was also one of the youngest participants since they go all the way up to 8th grade. 

They had the practice round and he spelled his practice word right. Then in round one they were not messing around, the words were tricky. I was crossing my fingers that Alex would get a word he knew, not a word he could spell, just a word he knew! No such luck, his first word was porcine. He asked for a definition, "To have piggish features." He almost got it right but did misspell it. He was disappointed but also determined to make it back another year! 

His disappointment did not last long, we braved the wind for a fun exploration in Lawrence. Walked a new trail and enjoyed the spring like weather. Wish it was here to stay, but this is Kansas. So it will most likely get cold again....

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