Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I Ran a Race

 I am so behind in posting! But that's ok, I'll catch up! 

My hip  has been feeling pretty good so I was happy to sign up for the 10K distance of Gobbler Grind on Nov. 7th. My Cousin Kayleigh and our other friend Casie did it too! Kayleigh made up shirts and we were team "World's Okayest Runners." It was appropriate. LOL The run was through Cooperate Woods in Kansas City and the weather was perfect!

I've done a 10K before but it was years ago so I don't know what my PR is but I'm pretty sure it was under an hour. I was very happy with my time of 1:00:48, if I had pushed I might have gotten under an hour, but I also might have reinjured my hip. I just enjoyed my race! 

I don't always race with other people, in fact I normally don't but this year all my races have been with friends and I loved it! So who is running TopCity Half with me on April 23rd? You know you wanna!!! 

The Okayest Runners Team!

Casie Finish Line!

My Finish Photo

Kayleigh beat all of us!

Come on girls!!! Let's do a half!!

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