Thursday, November 4, 2021

Happy Halloween!

 I know, I know, I'm  late with the Halloween post. But this week was a busy one for work as I prepared for a meeting last night. It went very well, I might actually be getting the hang of this director thing! 

Ok, the boys had three days of Halloween with school celebrations Friday, a haunted treasure hunt Saturday and trick or treating Sunday. I was so tuckered by the time they went to Kelly's at 5pm, I didn't even turn on my porch light. **Gasp** I worked at the office for about an hour, went home and ate a late dinner, then went to bed! On the positive, I was very rested for Monday and have been kicking this week's butt! 

Here are our Halloween pictures, October Goal Update to come next! 

Designed and Carved by Alex!

Daryl wanted a creepy hand, nailed it!

Daryl went as Bevis!

Alex was Black Panther! I wish I had a better picture
he picked his costume in September and LOVED IT! 

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