Thursday, September 30, 2021

Busker Fest and Goals!

Last weekend the boys and I ventured to Lawrence for Busker Fest. I have been a couple of times before but this was their first time. It was a hot day, but still lots of fun. Both of the boys got into a show. Daryl helped the Cowboy Comedian and Alex assisted the pogo stick guy! They were two lucky ducks!  

Read 20 Books: 13/20  

So I'm almost done reading a book that has now taken me two months. It is "The Stand" by Stephen King. It is 1100 pages long. It is VERY good. I don't usually go for King books because I don't need to be anymore scared than I already am! LOL 

However, a book written in the 1990s about a Super Flu that wipes out the earth's population doesn't really read as a horror story anymore...

I have 200 pages to go and no matter how it ends I will miss these characters. I look forward to seeing what they are up to every night. However, my to be read pile is getting large, it is time to wrap this one up. 

Run 800 700 miles: 532/700

I started to feel better this month. Yay! I eased into running again, starting with 1-2 mile runs. I worked all the way up to 3.5 miles ;-). I ended up with 42 miles for the month. I felt like my efforts should not end in a failed miles goal for the year. So, I asked the captain of the ship if I could amend the running goal from 800 miles to 700 miles. She agreed that would still be challenging and it would keep the peasant motivated to get exercise. So she allowed it!  

Money Goals: I saved more money this month, and I called a carpenter about the stairs. It is the next thing on the list. I will keep bugging people to see if I can get on someone's schedule. 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom Done July 
  • Add $2,000 to savings  Done August 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

Still just one more sleeve for knitting project number 2......

The Topeka Paletas guy was a vendor at Busker Fest. 
He is our favorite! 

Alex loves the Strawberry, I prefer the coconut!

Friday, September 17, 2021


 Last night Daryl had his first out of town football game. Alex and I headed to Council Grove to cheer on our Raven! PS-never been to Council Grove before, very cool looking. They have a river walk and cute downtown I want to go back and check those out some time. 

Ok, back to football. The visitors bench was facing the sun so it was really hard to get pictures at this one. The Varsity took care of business and won by 20, the closest game they have had this far. Then they played a JV half and Daryl got to play offense and defense. In probably the third to last play of the JV half Daryl got an interception! It was so exciting, Alex and I were jumping up and down. Never thought I would lose my mind at a Middle School JV football game, but here we are. :-) I've actually been smiling all day thinking about it, mostly because Daryl was so happy last night. He has been working hard at practice and he has been cheering and supporting his friends from the sidelines, so when he gets to be a big part of a play, it is pretty cool. 

On Wednesday, the school district hosted their annual family fitness night. This is one we like to attend every year because the kids see their friends outside of school and they just play games. Bonus this year we were also given a bag for each student that had a card game, book, activity book and pop-it. Alex and I tried out the Scrabble Slam card game while we waited for Daryl's game, we are going to get pretty good at it! 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Family Reunion!

 I miss my crazy, loving and supportive family! We are not all in the same place very often, but we had a reunion in Dodge City last weekend. I am so thankful to my Cecil cousins for making this happen and my Aunt Dee. This is the third reunion I have attended with my children and I love seeing them make new friends with their cousins. If we lived closer they would see each other more often, but that makes these gatherings even more special. 

Normally, we have a very competitive bingo game at the reunion. This year we were outside, to be able to give people more space, and we had a whiffle ball game for the ages. I only wish my brother had been there. I think the adults won anyway, but he would have put us over the top! Asa, next time you need to come help the adult whiffle ball team! The Sanchez brothers had the trash talk under control, Brenda and Kayleigh had the bats under control, we just needed you to help field! LOL 

We love cousin Reiyna! She can live with us anytime!

Alex up to bat! As first baseman I was
able to take good pictures. LOL 

We took Purl and she had a blast! Then 
she had to sleep for awhile. 

I didn't have great hits, but I didn't strike out! 

To me, Alex looks just like Charlie in this picture!
We missed the Stiles' but South Dakota is really far.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Daryl's First 🏈 Game

 Over many years Daryl has worn me down on Football. He loves the game and now he is a full fledged player. His first game was yesterday at it started at 3:15pm. I was out of town working so I thought I was going to miss it all. 

Turns out 3:15 was the Varsity game and the Junior Varsity game was at 5:00. I hit town at 5:15 and I got to see half of his JV game! He made some blocks, ran the ball a couple of times and was all smiles! His middle school won both games and he was on cloud nine all evening. He was even ready to run at 5:30 this morning, but it was pouring outside. So we both went back to bed for another 45 minutes. :-) 

I'm glad he is enjoying football so much, it is really giving him a better outlook on middle school in general. He has more friends, his best friend is a pro and gives him lots of tips and he doesn't squawk when I ask him to finish homework. After all if he doesn't keep his grades up, he can't play sports. So far, it's working like a charm! Go #11! (I haven't told him but that was either my JH or HS volleyball number.)