Wednesday, July 28, 2021

County Fair 2021

Last week was the Shawnee County Fair and I would be lying if I said I was recovered! The prep up to the fair is intense and the work at the fair is a blur. It is all worth it when you see the kids having a fun, experiencing success and dealing with failure. All are important things for youth development and the fair is a roller coaster with all the highs and lows in one week! 

The boys had a good fair and I think most of that was because they cut WAY back on their entries. Hopefully next year they will have more time to dedicate to their exhibits but I also want them to participate in a way that is fun for them. Alex had three arts and crafts entries. He got a purple on his diamond painting and two blues on his ceramics. Daryl got a purple on his Wildlife poster and a white at the first fair Archery meet. He was not sad at all about his white ribbon and asked to be a Jr. Superintendent for the division next year. He really loves the shooting sports part of 4-H! 

Other than that Alex had a blast at Family Fun Night and went through the inflatable obstacle course more times that I could count! Daryl hid away in the barn for two whole days working with any animal that a 4-H'er would let him. He wishes he could have livestock, but alas he is a "town kid". 

This was my last fair as 4-H Agent and I was not really sad about it. On Sunday I was very surprised when the outgoing 4-H Fair Queen named me her honorary queen. That title goes to a person that has helped you in your 4-H career. She told me that I have been a positive impact on her and recognized all the time I have spent creating opportunities for her growth. I was so honored and a little emotional. I know what I do as 4-H Agent is important and watching my youth grow into amazing young adults has been my reward. It was icing on the cake to have a youth recognize all that I put into my job and appreciate it. 💚💚💚💚 

Never know who you will find at the fair!

Meerpohl Entries

Alex won a gift card at Family Fun Night!

Stiles and Meerpohls at the Pancake Feed

First Shawnee County Fair Archery Meet

Talking to the judge. Alex is much improved on
his consultation judging!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Happy 9th Birthday Al!

My sweet sweet baby is nine years old! How did that happen? The only thing I've learned is if I want to get a post on his birthday, we have to have his party a day early! Yesterday seemed like the best night for celebrating, so we went for it! 

Cousins Henry and Charlie were in town and his friend Jonathan was also able to come bowling. So we bowled two games and then went for Ice Cream. It was a perfect celebration of our baby brother! In his birthday card Daryl wrote, "Happy 9th Birthday Alex, you will always be five to me." He assured me he meant it in a nice way. 

I had Alex give me nine things about him for his 9th birthday: 

1.) Favorite Food is Lo Mein 

2.) Wants to be an engineer when he grows up

3.) Favorite Singer is Luke Combs

4.) Favorite Youtuber is Preston Styles

5.) Favorite Movis is Home Alone

6.) Favorite Toy Right Now are Pokemon Cards

7.) Favorite thing about himself is his Eagle Eye (He can find/spot anything!) 

8.) Favorite Game is AFK Arena

9.) This year he goes off the diving board at the pool! 

You make your mom so proud with how smart and funny you are. You also still give me hugs when I need them. You can live with mom forever, Daryl has to move out, but you can stay. ❤😉

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

House Project Done!

It took three years but I have finally put a shower in the hall bathroom of my house. There has always been a shower in my bathroom but the hall bathroom is the one the boys use to get ready. Over those three years Daryl has been slowly revolting against taking baths. Since he will be a teenager next month, it was time to get him a shower. Also, I don't wish to share my bathroom with boys, ewww. 

So the bath to bath/shower combo was one of the first projects I wanted to accomplish in 2021! However, when I started calling contractors in February they were all booked. I finally got on a list and my contractor Weichert Remodeling was worth the wait! Once my project was started it was done in a week. That was with a holiday thrown in. 

I give props to Weichert Remodeling for making it look awesome and for not laughing when they asked what color grout I wanted and I said "Medium....." 

Props to Grandma Rosie for getting the shower curtain! 

And Props to me for picking out great tile! 

In August I will move to the next project on the list, replacing a few more windows! I took care of all the basement ones last year. Pretty sure the windows are original to my 100 year old house...... 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Happy 4th of July 🎇🎇🎇

 I can't believe it has taken me till the 11th to write about July 4th. This month is already nutso and we are only 11 days in! Don't be surprised if the rest of July posts are just pictures! 

It felt so good to enjoy the 4th again in Topeka with friends. It reminded me that last year it was just mom and I hanging out at the house. Then when it got dark we went outside to watch fireworks at the park. We had two years to account for, this year we did it up right! 

We started with the Potwin parade from our friends' house and then had our tradition low country boil lunch. I made a fruit pizza and throughout the afternoon is slowly disappeared. Mom got the boys a bunch of fireworks to do during the day. And Daryl and Alex took the lead on that. About 4 o'clock we went back to our house for an nap but ended up playing a game of baseball! It was 2 on 2, and Daryl and Alex won. 

When it started to get dark we took our night fireworks to the park and so many people were already there getting ready for the neighborhood show. It was a blast! Happy 4th everyone, seven days later!! 

Topeka High Drum line came to perform after the parade!

Many years ago we took a picture like this
and Alex was crying. He hated the fireworks. 
He likes them now! 

And the rockets red glare!!!! The
bombs bursting in air!!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2021

June Goal Update

How is it July already?! I'm not ready for July, but it appears it is going to happen anyway. Things are moving so quickly I'm just now wrapping up my June goals. June was a hard month for the goals because I was out of town almost two whole weeks. We had a family vacation one week and county camp a week after that. That is all for my excuses, the good thing about monthly goals is I get to start again now! 

And,  I didn't focus on eating vegetables this month, so I know I didn't have many. Weird thing, I felt better last month. Weird?! They don't taste like much, but my body likes them....I must science this more..... 

Read 20 Books: 10/20  

I only finished one book this month. I usually read before bed and most nights in June I was just too tired! Good news is I'm halfway done with this goal and we are halfway done with the year. Will keep chugging away with my reading goal. The boys are still working on their 10 books this year goal! Daryl has read 4 and Alex has read 5. I need to figure out how we will celebrate if we all make our reading goal. 

People we Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. This was on a reading list as a beach read. I wasn't going to the beach but it sounded good for vacation reading. It was a good book but the main character drove me a little nuts. Everything happens in the last 1/3 of the book and I'm glad I stuck it out for that. Just wish more happened in the first part of the book. Oh Well! 6 out of 10 bookworms from me. 

Run 800 miles: 437/800

I ran 59 miles this month. My goal was 65 miles and this is the first time I've missed my monthly miles goal since last June! That should tell me something about June in my life. Maybe make my running goal a little shorter in June? Someday I'll learn. My goal for July is 64, I really need to stay on track for a race in August. 

Money Goals: Very Exciting news, the shower is plumbed in and the tile is about halfway done! My contractor said he could start this week if he could finish after the holiday weekend. I told him sounds good to me! Beware the boys might be stinky come Tuesday! Only half way kidding, I have another shower but they don't like my 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

I got a lot of progress done on my second project for the year at camp. I will probably jinx myself but this project could be finished in July! Exactly when every child needs a sweater!! 

This is what we have till after the 4th. I'm so happy 
that this is happening! We needed a shower in 
this bathroom.

Do you like the hot pink water resistant layer?
Look at my new window! 

Camp Knitting Progress, almost done with the body!

Took Grandma Rosie for Pedicures and 
a Steak Dinner for her birthday. Here she is with her
Strawberry cake! Of course I had to help eat it ;-)