Friday, April 30, 2021

April Goal Update and Bad Blood

April 2021 was quite the month! I started a new position, Alex had a chapter of a book published and Daryl did a football camp. I was very hopeful that a little taste of football would turn Daryl off of the sport. I like to watch football, I just don't need my sweet sweet baby playing it. However, he loves it, so the plan has backfired and he will probably go out for the middle school team next year. (I hope they make football pants small enough....) 

As you can imagine I was really feeling myself this month, maybe patting myself on the back a little too hard. I had my annual State Employee health assessment and it turns out I have high cholesterol! Or as I lovely call it, chunky blood. LOL! For years I have made fun of my diet and that I run so much, I don't have to care about what I eat. Well guess what friends, I may be wrong! So I'm making a vegetable goal for the month of May. Because I can't imagine eating vegetables like a mad woman for the entire year. My goal is to eat 30 salads in May. This could be one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I had natural child birth with Alex! 

I hope you all had as good a month as we did at The Manor. With everything going on we still made time for our goals! 

Read 20 Books: 8/20  

I finished 2 books in April and that brings my total to 8! 

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold

This book in one word is fascinating. It is Non Fiction and it is amazing what the author found out about these women from historical records. And in 1880's you had to leave your name and information for everything. This author refuses the narrative that Jack The Ripper killed prostitutes and that is the woman's entire story. Of these five women profiled only one was a documented sex worker, the others just destitute women who had all fallen on hard times. Seriously, this book will have you amazed at the life of a woman during this time in history.   

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Waiting for books to become available at the library I reread a favorite from last year. When you have a book you really love and you can remember the beginning and the end, reread it for all of that good middle. For the perspective, and all the deliberation Paul did on how we treat other people, I should probably read this book every year. If you haven't read it, you must put it on your list. The narrative is so powerful it makes it a quick read because you don't want to put it down.   

Run 800 miles: 297/800

I ran 86 miles this month! That is my personal monthly best for this year! Wahoo! Those miles include my Top City Half. I hope to get one more high mile month in May before it turns hot as hades. That's the thing about Kansas, first it's too cold to run outside, and then it's too hot! Maybe I'm just picky..... 

Money Goals: Just playing the waiting game on my bathroom projects. I'm getting really excited to have a second shower in the house! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

Nope, it's too nice out to knit....

Donuts, burgers, fries and beers; why do you betray me? 

Alex took this picture and Daryl has almost caught me! 

Daryl had football camp at the new indoor field at Washburn! 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

TopCity Half Marathon

 Last Saturday was the 2nd running of the TopCity Half marathon. However, due to Covid it was virtual in 2020 so this was the first in person running of the race. It is so much fun to have a race in Topeka, I didn't have to get up a couple hours earlier to drive to some place and try to figure out pre race breakfast and bathroom when I'm away from home. These are serious decisions that can make or break your race! LOL 

The weather was perfect Saturday and I ran comfortably for the whole race in a short sleeve shirt and capri running tights. Since is snowed on Tuesday weather was one of the things I was worried about! 

The course went through many parts of Topeka and for the first time I ran over the Topeka Blvd and Kansas Ave bridges. I wasn't even that mad about finishing on an uphill! 

My goal was sub 2:10 since it was my first race of the year. My Official chip time was 2:06:33! That put me 93/194 of half marathon finishers and 16/82 for the women. I'll take that! I didn't plan my race calendar that well because my next race is in a month in Manhattan for the Bill Snyder Half. It will be another uphill finish by my goal for that race is 2:05. Just trying to constantly improve! Then I get a break before my Half in Sioux Falls SD in August. :-) 

Let race season begin! 

The race medal doubles as a bottle opener. LOL

Best part of an in town race was post race celebration with friends!

Notice how I went a little over 13.1? I did miss one turn
around a school at the end. Oops! 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

My Budding Author

 Today Alex got a copy of his very first published work! His teacher had the class work together to write a book and then hosted an Authors party at the Gage Park Carousel. Alex was so excited about the event that he has been remembering April 22nd at 6:30pm for three weeks now! (That kid has a good memory for dates) 

I know this was important to Alex because he bought a copy of his book with his own money. He didn't even ask me he just cracked open his wallet, filled out the order form and put his cash in the envelope. This kid has plenty of money in that wallet because he never spends it! So this was a big deal for him.

I'm so proud! And grandma Rosie got to be there too! 

Monday, April 19, 2021

So You're New Again

 Today was a pretty big day for me. Today was my first day in my new job as Shawnee County Extension Director! I couldn't really talk about it till now, because I was just too excited and I didn't want o jinx it. Who knows, maybe the board would change their decision and just have me continue as 4-H agent. 

I moved into my new office today, I got new business cards and I was introduced to the Shawnee County Commissioners as the new Director. No Take Backs now! LOL 

I have enjoyed my eight years as Shawnee County 4-H Agent but I knew that I would eventually like to do something that had more responsibility. It is why I pursued my Master's degree in adult learning and leadership. Since this blog marks the milestones at Meerpohl Manor I wanted to mark the day I started this new journey in my career. I adore my office and Shawnee County and once again I am lucky to be able to grow professionally in the same office that has supported me for the last 10 years. 

It was a good day and I want to thank all of those people that have believed in me. Extension has given me friends from all across the state and I'm excited to see what I can do in this new role! 

I took this picture on Saturday but it totally looks
like a Monday mood!

One of the amazing new job gifts that I have received. 
Jo got my my crocheted Bernie and now I have crocheted Alpacas watching
over my office! 

Lisa got me flowers right after I interviewed for the position
and Jo got me chocolate! I even got a surprise bottle of wine from my old 
Co-worker Kim. I am surrounded by amazing gift givers! 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Still working towards 12 Books

 I am so proud of the boys for how well they are doing with their 2021 reading goal. I say "their" goal, when really I made it for them because it's good for them. However, they have started to take ownership of the idea and after our 21 minutes was up last night, Alex asked if he could continue to read and it just warmed my book loving heart! It was bedtime but I still let him stay up late to read! (He may have found a bedtime loop hole) 

For March Daryl read Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. I actually read that book last year and when I saw it on Daryl's suggested reading for Middle School I told him he would LOVE it! He did really like it. Yay, Book win! 

Alex's March read was The One and Only Bob, he actually started this book once last year but didn't finish it. He asked if it would count and I said if he started from the beginning again. He agreed and he loved it! 

This month Daryl is reading Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus and Alex is reading Ghost Hawk. I'm currently re-reading When Breath Becomes Air because none of my library books are ready for pick up. So going back to an old favorite! 

Happy reading everyone! 

Can you tell we always read in my room? LOL

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Too Much Nature

 This last weekend was Easter and I didn't totally blow it. I told myself all week to find the Easter baskets but I still ended up in the basement at 6am cussing and looking for them. What a way to celebrate a holy day! Found the baskets, filled them and went back to bed! Alex woke up at eight and got Daryl up right away so they could see what candy and games they received. Then Alex tells me he is getting dressed to go find the eggs. Ummmm I let him know I don't think the Easter Bunny did that this year. He said I was ridiculous because the Easter Bunny always hides eggs. Well I hadn't had any coffee so I didn't argue with him. 

He looked, didn't find any. He ate some breakfast. Then he went and looked again and still didn't find any. So the Easter Bunny is unreliable. That is a life lesson, some times people or magical creatures will let you down. 

After lunch Daryl really wanted to go hike to the Kansas River, so we did that. It was a LONG hike. And even though we were still in Topeka City limits, it got really wooded. And there were signs about what to do if you come across a coyote. So I started freaking out a little bit, I didn't really like it! Both boys let me know they would take care of it if we got attacked by a coyote but I just decided this is too much nature for us. I don't think we are outdoorsy.....

A great weekend with great weather, we need more of them! 

Tree Huggers

After an hour we found the river, we took the road
back so it only took 30 minutes on the return. 

At one point they were both half dressed.