Monday, January 25, 2021

Weekend Off

 This weekend the boys and I decided we needed a vacation! This means we would like to sit in a different room that is not our house and get take out from some new places. LOL 

So we packed up and headed to Legends for a one night mini vacay. The highlight of the trip was getting to swim in January. It was great, and a nice break in our daily routine. The best part of a quick trip like this is I still got to do all my normal chores and runs done that I would have done anyway. I ran Saturday morning and then went to my afternoon gym class on Sunday. In between I just had some very nice family time! 

The boys and I are still doing good on our reading time. I didn't feel the best last week (no, not COVID) and we still read three or four nights. My new thing is falling asleep right after our reading time is over, so that 7pm nap is really fun. LOL 

Happy January everyone, Go Chiefs!!!! 

On the way home Alex got his first Starbucks! He was not
impressed. Said next time he'll order water.....

Got to spend an hour in the pool, we will take it! 

Daryl also had his first Fishing club meeting of the year. 
Fishing is his favorite 4-H project! 

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