Sunday, January 31, 2021

January Goal Update!

One month into 2021 and I'm making progress on my goals. I do need to read more next month and I can do it! So far 2021 doesn't look much different than 2020 but that doesn't mean I can't make progress on myself! How are all my fellow goal setters doing? 

Read 20 Books: 1/20 

I'm almost done with my second book but didn't quite get there. So looks like Feb. will be a three book month! The book I did read was The Modern Breakup  by Daniel Chidiac. This book was an interesting read, because it is an advice book presented as a fictional story. Probably more for the 20 somethings but it was also a quick read so I just took it more as fiction than life advice! 

Run 800 miles: 68/800

I nailed this one! I'm making my Feb. goal 64 because a couple less days. Right now when it's cold I'm almost exclusively running on the treadmill. So I'm looking forward to putting in more miles when I can actually run outside. I did sign up for my first half of the year. The Topeka Half Marathon will be April 24th. So the last couple of weekends in Feb. I'll have to start building up my long runs. I think my longest run this month was four miles. That's about all the treadmill I can take! 

Money Goals: I made progress on paying off the car this month and I replaced my car's windshield! Yay! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Paid an extra $450, Balance $4,547.74
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix my sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

I made a cabled headband with some of my Christmas yarn. It is a little tight, when will I understand I can't wear normal size headwear?!  I need to find someone with a normal size head to give it to. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Weekend Off

 This weekend the boys and I decided we needed a vacation! This means we would like to sit in a different room that is not our house and get take out from some new places. LOL 

So we packed up and headed to Legends for a one night mini vacay. The highlight of the trip was getting to swim in January. It was great, and a nice break in our daily routine. The best part of a quick trip like this is I still got to do all my normal chores and runs done that I would have done anyway. I ran Saturday morning and then went to my afternoon gym class on Sunday. In between I just had some very nice family time! 

The boys and I are still doing good on our reading time. I didn't feel the best last week (no, not COVID) and we still read three or four nights. My new thing is falling asleep right after our reading time is over, so that 7pm nap is really fun. LOL 

Happy January everyone, Go Chiefs!!!! 

On the way home Alex got his first Starbucks! He was not
impressed. Said next time he'll order water.....

Got to spend an hour in the pool, we will take it! 

Daryl also had his first Fishing club meeting of the year. 
Fishing is his favorite 4-H project! 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Because I'm the mom, that's why!

 It can be hard to work on your goals on your own. This can hinder my progress because I want to be doing what the rest of the family is doing. If they are all in the living room kinda watching TV/kinda watching YouTube, I do the same thing. 

I seem to have forgotten something important. I'm the mom, I can make my family do,  now all of us have a reading goal! #Goalhack 

I told the boys they are going to read one book a month, and we are going to have a short reading time every day. Four days in and we have kept to it! My goal is 20 books this year, but I have more weeks to read, since they probably won't do this at dad's house. 

After dinner we settle in with our books for 22 minutes. Sometimes we have ice cream other times we just get to reading. Daryl is reading a book that is too easy for him, but I broke it to him yesterday that he will just have to start another book when he finishes his. He tried to work the system but mom knows the kind of books he can read. Alex is finally reading a book that he got early in the school year. He is enjoying it! 

You guys, if you have a goal you are struggling with, make other people do it with you! Spread the word! 

Left to Right is Daryl's book, my book and Alex's book

The focus is extreme! 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 Goals, Getting Stronger

 I did so well with my 2020 goals that I've been thinking about 2021 for months. While 2020 had plenty of challenges I ended up with a lot of time on my hands. That is why it is so important for me to have my yearly goals, I didn't waste the extra time that was given to me. I had things to work towards and it was a boost to my mood the closer I got to completing my goals. I feel my best when I'm focused and improving myself. I want to keep that going! 

I maintain that resolutions are about changing yourself while goal are about bettering yourself. Goals also should come with an action plan if you want to actually achieve them. I'll get on my soapbox that get on every January, drop the resolutions, set some attainable but challenging goals, and track your progress! 

So as I look at how far I've come in 2020 I'm now looking forward to what I want out of 2021. 

Starting in August I made weights an important part of my fitness routine. Before I would go once a week and miss every once in awhile. Well, with no night meetings or being out of town for work I made getting to the gym three times a week a priority. And I see a difference. I'm running faster and I'm stronger than I was in August. I'm hooked and my goal theme of 2021 is to get even stronger! 

First I want to be mentally stronger so I'm upping the book goal to 20! Yikes! I know the amount of time I spend watching Netflix so this is doable. Especially since The Office is not longer available....

Next I want to be a stronger runner. So I'm upping my yearly mileage goal to 800. I should be able to get there if I make my monthly mileage goal 65. Then I will have some longer months when I'm running races. My race goal is 4 halves in 2021. Yay! 

I'm changing house goals to money goals. Because I have some things that will cost extra funds that don't have to do with the house. So I have 6 money goals that will make me financially stronger: 

  • Pay Off my Car
  • Replace my Car's Windshield
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix my sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
I need to get creatively stronger too. So I want to knit four things this year. And one can't be a hat! LOL! 

Ok friends, these are my goals and I will update monthly to keep myself accountable. Feel free to share your goals and I can cheer for you too! 

I don't really have any good photos for this post. 
So here is Purl tucked in a blanket. 

Giving myself a little head start, should have a knitted thing soon!