Saturday, October 31, 2020

October Goal Update

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. I really phoned it in this year. We did decorate and I got the boys costumes but today's activities were all planned and executed by our family friends' Morgan and Jordan. They created an amazing scavenger hunt that had the boys running around two yards for 90 minutes. They were solving puzzles and finding clues. It was amazing! We ended the evening around a bonfire and had hot dogs and smores. Alex said we should do that again next year! They didn't miss a thing not trick or treating. 

Can't let this day go by without a look at the monthly goals. I knocked another 2020 goal off of the list this month! 

 2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: DONE SEPT.  2020 12/12 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): DONE Oct. 2020 4/4

While I was looking for some yarn to finish a project I found a hat that was half done. It is a great hat knit with sock weight yarn in a rib pattern. It is a hand dyed handspun so the colors do wonderful things. I'm not sure when I started it but I finished it this month! So that give me four knit things this year. If you think completing my knitting goal with a half finished project is cheating, you are very judgy and should work on that! LOL  

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020
Still working on quilt number three......

Run 600 Miles: 598

I got  86 miles this month! That is my most miles in one month for 2020. I only missed one long run and on that week instead of 10 miles I ran five. So I didn't skip a long run, it was just cold and windy so I hit the treadmill. However the next weekend when it was still cold I got out there and I ran my 11 miles. So I am ready for my half marathon on Nov. 1st. I even get an extra hour of sleep! 
Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020
This was a three paycheck month! Yay! So, I got to spend some money on Family pictures, my tree and some clothes and shoes for me and the boys. Even with that I got to save almost enough to cover Christmas. So in November I will start my Christmas shopping with real cash money, no credit cards. Don't put Christmas on a credit card, it will only make you sad in January. :-( 

5 House ProjectsWith the help of Ariel and a desperate search of two nurseries I found one Chinese Fringe tree to plant in my yard. I wanted two but I thought maybe only finding one was a sign. The sign being that I would be lucky to get one tree to grow! I think this will be it for my house projects in 2020. I have a tentative list for 2021 and am ready to hit the ground running in January! Extra funds will either be put in savings or spent on holidays! 

Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree Done September 
Plant two new trees  Done October 

The Boys are a Revolutionary War Officer and Ant Man.
They got to also wear them to school on Friday! 

My 4th finished knitting project for the year. 
Pattern is Headsock, yarn was some fingering weight handspun. 
Already have another hat on the needles! 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Add Cat Delivery Person to my Resume

 I'm not sure I have told the story of Cheeseburger on my blog. This summer, in the middle of the pandemic, a cat showed up at our office. She didn't just wonder around outside, she yelled at us from the door. We deducted that she was hungry and Jo had a cheeseburger from Sonic so, the cat got half of it. She LOVED it , hence her name. 

Well, we had to get cat food because Cheeseburger decided to make her home in front of our office. With no customers to help, she was a welcome presence for all of us. If we got stressed or just needed company we could go outside and Cheeseburger wanted all of the pets we would give her. She does not like being picked up. I have science'd this. 

A couple of weeks into our new office cat we were trying to figure out if Cheeseburger was being over fed or if she was pregnant. It was the later and at the end of July she showed up one day with a wet butt and just as skinny as she could be. For the next week we all searched high and low for the kittens that had to be somewhere. Cheeseburger did not spend a lot of time with them. It seemed like she was still always outside of our door. Some of us were wondering if they were even alive. It might have been four weeks later when one of the kittens got brave enough to follow mom to our office. Then a week later two kittens started following her. Pretty soon all four were hanging out at our office. They were very skittish. 

Cheeseburger is a part of our office now, but we couldn't really be finding homes for kittens all the time. So we had Cheeseburger fixed and sent the kittens to a rescue because they had some health issues that needed to be cared for. 

Here we are almost three months later and a few of the kittens still needed homes. My sister in law joked about wanting one and my brother said no. A week later I messaged my brother and said the Kitten his wife wanted was still available. He said he would get it as a surprise for her! So this weekend the boys and I took the kitten to Omaha and my brother came from South Dakota to meet us. It was a total surprise for Diane and that was really fun! The boys enjoyed having a kitten for two days, so now I just need to figure out how to make kitten transport a profitable career. LOL 

Purl is happy the kitten is gone. She has been very clingy to me today! LOL 

He likes Youtube! Perfect Kitten for Alex. 

If I wasn't allergic I think I would have kept this kitten. He is soooo cute! 

Catty Mahommes is not too sure about all of these hand offs! 

Can you see the family resemblance? 

The boys have decided the best condiment is a milkshake.
They are weird!  

Monday, October 12, 2020

Yes, I will take your last tree.

 This weekend was beautiful and I got some things done! Not everything I wanted to get done, but enough. Alex had not one but two soccer games on Saturday and they won both! Yay! The second game of the day and the fifth game of the season it seemed like something clicked for Al. He stopped looking scared when the ball was close to him and started getting in the middle of the scrum! He was making big kicks and actually passing the ball. He still has a lot to learn but him not being afraid of getting kicked is a big step forward! 

Before soccer games I completed a nine mile run then I was on the hunt for two Chinese Fringetrees for my yard. They are beautiful trees and thanks to all of the help I got from Ariel, my local Horticulture Extension Agent I am confident I can get them to grow. (She has already reminded me today to mulch and water!) ((Donut mulch not volcano!)) 

I went to one nursery and their Chinese Fringetrees were tiny. They only grow 10" a year, so I passed on the itty bitty ones. I went to the only other nursery that might have them and they had one. It was leftover from 2019 and currently doesn't have leaves. But I was assured that it is alive and it should be ok. I thought about it for probably too long before I said I would take it! 

I wanted two trees, but I only got one. Maybe that was the world saying I can only take care of one tree? Daryl helped me dig the hole and is going to be on water duty for these first few weeks. Please don't die tree, you are the only one like you in Topeka! 

On Sunday the boys and I took family pictures. I can't wait to see how they turn out with our amazing fall backdrop. Our wonderful photographer told the boys if they did good for the pictures they could go say hi to her mom's horses and donkey. That motivation made for their best session ever! Thanks Shelbi! 

I hope this tree loves being in the ground and gets to be 20 feet tall!

It had become quite friendly with its pot. I had to cut the pot off of it! 

Our prize for smiling nice in the pictures. I got to feed the animals too! 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Soccer Time!

 Alex has been "mostly" patient waiting to try a new sport. Last spring when we signed Daryl up for baseball Alex said he didn't want to play baseball he wanted to play soccer. That season started before summer baseball so we got him signed up. 

The same week we got his shoes and shin guards, his season was cancelled. He was bummed but with school also going virtual he understood. Then here comes summer and Daryl does get to play a shorter baseball season. Alex had to come to every practice and game for Daryl and just watch. He had made a choice and he was living with it. 

Fast forward to this fall and him FINALLY getting to play. He also got another pair of new soccer shoes because for the life of me I can not find the pair I bought for the spring season. I have torn my house apart twice and could not find his "never have been worn" soccer shoes. Oh well, we went to Academy and he said he likes these ones better anyway. Still a little salty about that...... 

He has now had three games and I have made it to one and a half of them! For my fall schedule that's not too shabby. I don't know what to yell at him from the sidelines, I have never played soccer. So I just listen to his coaches and repeat what they say, but louder. :-) Daryl has been repaying his brother's patience and has been very good about going and watching every practice and game. 

I don't think I've achieved soccer mom status yet, I think you have to sit through some sleet or below 20 degree temp for that! LOL 

Is it too much to ask for one runner? Just one?! You know something I could actually help with?!