Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Till Next Time Grandma Rosie!

After a wonderful week of having my mom as co pilot through Colorado it was time for her to move on. I know she doesn't like it as well at my sister's house, but she has to be fair! LOL 

I was still sorting through vacation stuff and doing housework when she got all her stuff packed up. This is her third year staying with us through the summer and she is getting very efficient at packing. 

We fall into an easy routine when Grandma Rosie is with us. I cook and she does the dishes, I pick the plants and she puts them in the ground, I start the laundry and she folds it. I take one kid one way and she always takes the kid that is going to baseball. :-) She is always ready for a card game or puzzle. She enjoys enforcing reading time and making sure the boys' chores get done. 

As much as the boys and I love having her in our home no one misses Grandma Rosie more than Purl. You should see the death glares I get when I put her in the kennel when I leave for work. Purl is the most put out by not having company all day. Poor Purl! 

Love you mom and we will see you in the winter! 

On the last day of my vacation I finished Trevor Noah's book Born A Crime. It was a very good book about growing up in South Africa as a mixed race child. When a book shows me an alternate world and how people live in other countries, their struggles and celebrations, the book gives me perspective. That is the power of reading and this book definitely gave me more perspective. Highly Recommend, it also helps that I adore Trevor! I adore him even more now.  

Mom and some of her boys. Only missing two! 
I did a couple of things and before I knew it
mom was packed up! 
Highly recommend this book! 

Purl misses grandma the most! 

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