Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Friends and Fishing

 Last weekend the boys and I loaded up in the car to visit friends in Southeast Kansas under the guise of a fishing trip. If there is one way to get Daryl in a good mood for a couple of days find a way for him to fish over the weekend. He was excited to try out some of his new tackle from his birthday. I was excited to see my friend that I hadn't seen since January. 

The awesome thing about working for 4-H is it will give you amazing friends from all over the state. Then the programs brings you together 3 or 4 times a year so you can catch up on life. I know the youth have been disappointed with all the summer events being cancelled or held virtually. Just so they know, the adults are just as sad about this. We miss our people too! Thank you Jenny for hosting us, I think Daryl is ready to move in with you and the girls! Between the three farm ponds he fished he caught 23 fish! Cherry on the cake, he got to drive the Kubota. He was in country kid heaven. 

He would like one of these for his 13th birthday! LOL

Alex had fun exploring and was finding cool stuff. Like this antlers stick! 
Photo credit to Jenny, this was a split second before they fell!

Just a boy and his fish. 

The non fishers looking for cool rocks! 

Jenny got Alex and Tiffany digging out a coyote trap. 
They did this for an hour! 

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