Thursday, August 20, 2020

Happy Birthday D!

Today is Daryl's 12th birthday, we are entering the final year before the teens. Mom is not ready and Daryl already thinks he is 17. Daryl had a great family party at the house, he wanted fishing stuff and he got fishing stuff! Alex baked him a cake for his birthday and Mom made sure we had peanut butter ice cream. 

Grandma Rosie and Aunt Barb even sent presents for his party. Daryl definitely felt the love today! It is hard to believe he is 12, when I look in his face I still see my chubby faced baby. This is going to be a big year for him, in a few weeks he will be starting middle school. I know that he will take on this challenge like the others he has faced, with confidence and poise! 

Daryl keep being passionate about your interests, put your energy into the world and work hard. You will have an amazing year! 

So happy to have Dad and Grandpa Mike at his party! 

Took awhile to get one with them not hitting each other...

I think he likes the hat Alex got for him! 

Happy Birthday Daryl, Love you!! 

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