Monday, August 31, 2020

August Goal Update

I'm not sure you will believe me but I think Spring Break is almost over! I picked up the boys computers today to start remote learning next week. It is already weird having to go to two buildings. It's not like our schedule couldn't use more chaos, bring it on! I can tell Daryl is nervous about middle school but he met the assistant principal today and he told Daryl it is his first year at this school too. He let Daryl know they will get through their first year together. I doubt the assistant principal knew how much that put Daryl at ease, that is just how cool the staff at the Middle School has been. 

I'm hopeful for an easy transition and a teacher with a lot of patience for Alex. He is the quiet kid for about two days, then watch out! It doesn't matter who you sit him next to, he is going to talk all day. He must get that from me. :-) 

This was a good month for some goal progress, mostly running, but that can be the hardest one sometimes. 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: 9/12 

I am so close to finishing a book that I almost didn't update tonight so I could add to this goal. However, that would be disingenuous because it won't be done in August. So, this goal stays at 9. I do have three books on my nightstand and two of them have to go back to the library soon. Time to turn off the Netflix and get some reading done!  

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 3/4

Gave up on my vest. I was not happy with how it was turning out and every time I worked on it I got  more frustrated. So I did what makes me happy, I knit a hat! It worked so well I immediately cast on another hat. I might just knit hats forever......

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020

I'm slowly but surly working on my bowling towel quilt. It will be my 3rd quilt for 2020. Since I hadn't made a quilt for probably five years, making three this year might lead to a big break from quilts! 

Run 600 Miles: 437

I got  76 miles this month! That is the most miles I have ran in one month for the year. About a month ago I almost gave up on my only half marathon for 2020. I had signed up for the Top City race in April but I didn't get the training in and I did the 5K. I was really disappointed in myself that it looked like I was going to waste another half entry this Labor Day. 
I turned to Facebook and asked for advice. It's not like I haven't been running all summer, I just hadn't done long runs. I got AMAZING advice about going slower, talking walk breaks and stretching. Most of all my friends didn't let me take the easy way out. "Don't waste that race entry fee, you can do it!" I took ALL of the advice and I did a long run every weekend in August. Even with vacation and all! I got on track and I should be ready to run on the 7th. 
Thank you running friends! 

Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020 
I didn't plan to save any money this month because of our Colorado vacation. However, it wasn't as expensive as I had budgeted so I was able to put away $241 for the month. Yay! I thought about just spending that on getting my tree cut down but it will be more expensive than that so I'm going to punt that project again. 

5 House ProjectsNo progress here this month but I did change one of the projects. I wanted to get my garage door fixed after I take out my tree. I just don't see that happening so I put on planting two additional trees on the west side of the house. I have no shade over there and I want some more trees. Now I just need to research the perfect kind of tree to plant in my yard. I want it to throw some shade but not be huge. I'm open to suggestions. 

Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Plant two new trees 

Last Friday Alex had his first soccer practice. It was very hot but he had a good time! 

If they want to wash the car, I'm not going to stop them! 

Same goes for mowing. Daryl actually asks to mow the yard! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Friends and Fishing

 Last weekend the boys and I loaded up in the car to visit friends in Southeast Kansas under the guise of a fishing trip. If there is one way to get Daryl in a good mood for a couple of days find a way for him to fish over the weekend. He was excited to try out some of his new tackle from his birthday. I was excited to see my friend that I hadn't seen since January. 

The awesome thing about working for 4-H is it will give you amazing friends from all over the state. Then the programs brings you together 3 or 4 times a year so you can catch up on life. I know the youth have been disappointed with all the summer events being cancelled or held virtually. Just so they know, the adults are just as sad about this. We miss our people too! Thank you Jenny for hosting us, I think Daryl is ready to move in with you and the girls! Between the three farm ponds he fished he caught 23 fish! Cherry on the cake, he got to drive the Kubota. He was in country kid heaven. 

He would like one of these for his 13th birthday! LOL

Alex had fun exploring and was finding cool stuff. Like this antlers stick! 
Photo credit to Jenny, this was a split second before they fell!

Just a boy and his fish. 

The non fishers looking for cool rocks! 

Jenny got Alex and Tiffany digging out a coyote trap. 
They did this for an hour! 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Happy Birthday D!

Today is Daryl's 12th birthday, we are entering the final year before the teens. Mom is not ready and Daryl already thinks he is 17. Daryl had a great family party at the house, he wanted fishing stuff and he got fishing stuff! Alex baked him a cake for his birthday and Mom made sure we had peanut butter ice cream. 

Grandma Rosie and Aunt Barb even sent presents for his party. Daryl definitely felt the love today! It is hard to believe he is 12, when I look in his face I still see my chubby faced baby. This is going to be a big year for him, in a few weeks he will be starting middle school. I know that he will take on this challenge like the others he has faced, with confidence and poise! 

Daryl keep being passionate about your interests, put your energy into the world and work hard. You will have an amazing year! 

So happy to have Dad and Grandpa Mike at his party! 

Took awhile to get one with them not hitting each other...

I think he likes the hat Alex got for him! 

Happy Birthday Daryl, Love you!! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Till Next Time Grandma Rosie!

After a wonderful week of having my mom as co pilot through Colorado it was time for her to move on. I know she doesn't like it as well at my sister's house, but she has to be fair! LOL 

I was still sorting through vacation stuff and doing housework when she got all her stuff packed up. This is her third year staying with us through the summer and she is getting very efficient at packing. 

We fall into an easy routine when Grandma Rosie is with us. I cook and she does the dishes, I pick the plants and she puts them in the ground, I start the laundry and she folds it. I take one kid one way and she always takes the kid that is going to baseball. :-) She is always ready for a card game or puzzle. She enjoys enforcing reading time and making sure the boys' chores get done. 

As much as the boys and I love having her in our home no one misses Grandma Rosie more than Purl. You should see the death glares I get when I put her in the kennel when I leave for work. Purl is the most put out by not having company all day. Poor Purl! 

Love you mom and we will see you in the winter! 

On the last day of my vacation I finished Trevor Noah's book Born A Crime. It was a very good book about growing up in South Africa as a mixed race child. When a book shows me an alternate world and how people live in other countries, their struggles and celebrations, the book gives me perspective. That is the power of reading and this book definitely gave me more perspective. Highly Recommend, it also helps that I adore Trevor! I adore him even more now.  

Mom and some of her boys. Only missing two! 
I did a couple of things and before I knew it
mom was packed up! 
Highly recommend this book! 

Purl misses grandma the most! 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Road trip!

Summer vacation 2020 has gone through many revisions. Originally we were supposed to go to Florida, cancelled that. Then we planned for Wisconsin, cancelled that. Finally, three weeks ago we decided on a short trip to Manitou Springs, Colorado. 

We spent four days hiking, fishing and swimming. One of the best parts was we picked up some cousins on our way. They really added to all the fun! The older I get the more I realize it's not where you go, but who you are with that makes a vacation fun.

I also started a new hat, I might even finish it by the end of the week. That will be a successful week off! 😁