Saturday, February 29, 2020

Feb Goal Update

2020 Goals 

Hit my run goal this month. That was about it. That's the good thing about yearly goals, I'll just work harder in March. Still no new clothes! That's two months, yay me!

Read 12 Books: 1/12 
I did not finish a book this month. Oops! I blame "The Good Place" on Netflix. I did finish that this morning on the treadmill so back to the books! PS-It's a very good show. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2/4 Barley Light Hat 

Made Jefferson his yearly hat!

Make 2 Quilts : Still No....

Run 600 Miles: 106

To make 600 miles that is 50 a month. I got to 53 this month. I didn't even need the extra day that leap year gave me! I'm right where I need to be for my April half marathon. I only got to run outside a couple of times in February and I'm ready to be done with the treadmill. I want to be done now! 

Save 2,000 Dollars: 700

I saved 500 this month! Yay tax refund! I also paid for some expenses for a couple of trips I have planned. One in April and one in August. So you can save money and travel, you just have to plan! 

5 House Projects: Got my new stove this month! I'm so happy to have four working burners again! If I'm able to replace my fridge next year I will have all new appliances. :-) 

Put in a ceiling light in living room
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2020 4-H Club Days

The boys had a very busy Saturday hustling from 4-H Club Days to basketball. When your mom is the 4-H Agent, Club Days is not optional. Alex understands this and has been begging me all of February to get a different job. LOL

He is not my public speaker, yet, and project talks cause him a lot of anxiety. For two weeks we went back and forth over the actual talk he would do. He decided on talking about baking. He mentioned all of the things he has made and I encouraged him to talk about some of the safety points he has learned. He practiced every day for a week, and this year NO TEARS! He was a little quiet and we didn't tackle a poster this year. I think next year he will be able to do those parts. Yay, Alex!

For the second year Daryl did an impromptu talk. He likes those because he doesn't have to practice. (eye roll) He did better this year but he needs to work on making his talks longer. Both years they have been a little short.

After their talks they raced to the gym for basketball. I was told they both had good games. After I left the school all I wanted was a nap! I did get my long run in this weekend, but that waited till Sunday. :-)

Yesterday, we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and rode bikes after school. It was fun to get my bike out for the first time this year. The boys and I are already looking forward to when we can ride everyday! Come on Spring, we are waiting...
Alex rocking his first project talk! Loved his green shirt! 

Daryl doing his impromptu! 

I got to help with Alex's Valentine's day party.
I even got to meet the girl he talks about a lot!

My job has perks. 4-H'ers bringing me homemade pie is one of them! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I Am Very Self-Aware, Now

I don't know how the conversations go about me when my boys are with their dad. But, I do feel like they are told Mom forgets to do things. This is totally fair.

Case in point, yesterday both boys came bounding into the house with parent teacher conference forms in hand. (They get dropped off at my house every morning because they walk to school from my house, or as far as I will drive them!) Alex explained that dad is out of town the week of conferences and I need to sign a paper confirming my teacher appointment. I am roaming the house getting ready for work while this conversation is happening.

Me-Alex I can't sign that right now because I don't have a pen.
(Alex disappears and comes back with a pen.)
Me-I have to check my calendar to make sure I can do that time.
Alex-Where is your calendar?
Me-In My purse.
(Alex disappears and comes back with my calendar!)

At this point I'm laughing as I realize he will not be deterred! I stop doing my makeup, check my calendar and sign his paper. Did I mention he is 7?

Alex to Daryl-Daryl come get your paper signed mom has her pen and calendar!

I am so glad that Alex keeps me and Daryl on track. That is the Meerpohl in him! :-) Although Daryl definitely takes after me with his smart mouth. This is a conversation that happened on Sunday.

Alex-Can we go to my friend's house today to see if he can play?
Daryl-Alex when mom says "maybe" she means no.
Alex-(initiates meltdown)
Me-Daryl you do not need to tell Alex everything you know!

My kids have figured me out and all of my Mom tricks. Could be a long 11 years! LOL

Daryl giving his project talk at his 4-H meeting

Alex giving his foods project talk!

Monday, February 3, 2020

What A Super Weekend!

Ok, so I know, Go Chiefs! They won the Super Bowl and that was very exciting. However, that was not the only excitement we had this weekend.

First thing Saturday Alex was ON FIRE for his basketball game. He made six baskets, almost every shot he took. It was amazing and all the parents were just floored. I was so excited he was having success, lord knows I have watched him struggle. He was so excited that we celebrated with lunch at McDonald's, his favorite!

After lunch Alex and I hustled over to the Washburn Union to watch Daryl in the Shawnee County Spelling Bee! Him getting to the county spelling bee was a roller coaster of emotions. He came in the top four after the school spelling bee and then after their written test he was the third place speller. Only the top two get to go on so he was very disappointed. Then, one of the top two couldn't do it and Daryl was the first alternate!

He studied and took the whole opportunity very seriously. I was so proud to watch him compete. He got his first round word right, but did get knocked out in the second round. His teacher came to cheer him on and I hope he felt how loved he is! I hope he gets to try again next year!

The weather was just too good on Saturday not to run outside. So, after the spelling bee I did my five mile run. That is what I am up to for my long runs. I probably won't have weather like that again for awhile. Oh well!

So the Superbowl was great, but the stuff happening around our Manor was pretty great too!

My stud throwing in the ball! 

My other Stud standing up in front of a room of people and spelling words! 

This was after he got out. :-( 

Can I also say I got to do almost all my favorite
Lawrence things this weekend? Including Ramen,
long dog walks, knitting and Tacos and Margaritas?

Two years ago Jefferson tagged me in a Facebook post. You would have thought
that would be one of many. NOPE, that was the last time! It came up in my memories and
I made fun of the fact that he is not very good at Facebook. So, two years later he tagged me again.
 This time for a Chiefs Superbowl win! Maybe I'll get one tag a year! LOL