Monday, January 13, 2020

That's Not How We Use the Dictionary

Daryl did a thing last week. He got second place in his grade school spelling bee! I was really proud of him because I really didn't know he was that good at spelling. I should have known, he has always been an excellent reader. Oh well, you learn new things about your kids every day!

Under the guise of studying he dusted off our dictionary on Saturday and was flipping through it. The next thing I know he is laughing very loudly.
Daryl-"Mom! Did you know they have cuss words in here!?"
Me-"It's the dictionary it has all of the words."
Daryl-"I looked up the A word and the B word, but Mom it EVEN HAS THE F WORD! Alex, come look at this!"
Me- "Daryl that is not how you use a dictionary, give it back to me!"

What Am I Going To Do With This Kid!!!

15 days of no clothes buying down!

The boys and I baked a cake on Saturday, we couldn't agree on the frosting.
Then Daryl accused me of always giving Alex what he wants.
So, we compromised! 

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