Saturday, January 18, 2020

Ice, Cold and Hoops!

It is January, the temps are dropping. This means it is time for Upward basketball! This is the second year the boys are playing in this league and they enjoy it. This year Daryl is playing with the older kids at another location. While the two location are only three minutes away from each other, it is still stressful to get kids to the right place when you are waiting for another game to be over. Today I only got to see the first half of Daryl's game before I had to take Alex to his game. #firstworldproblems

Watching the boys run around reminds me that I can't slack off my running just because it is cold. I have a gym membership just for this reason! I am at 32 miles for this month. To keep pace with my goal I should finish with 50. Totally doable as long as I stay motivated.

Between the never ending loads of laundry today I've been trying to sew my 3rd Dress #2. I don't know why inseam pockets throw me so bad but I'm on my second attempt to sew them in. Just like last time I tried to do it from memory, and that just leads to seam ripping. Grrrr I have stopped for today, I might try again tomorrow. Ripping black thread out of navy fabric is making me blind!

I did get to see Daryl make one long shot! It was awesome! 

Alex had four baskets today! 

Stupid pockets, why do I need you in all my dresses?

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