Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving or Sh*# Happens

I think the story of my life is I made plans, they blew up and I handled it! If I didn't obsessively enjoy making plans I would just STOP. But, I'm already planning all the times I want to go out of town in 2020. So stopping planning is not going to happen.

Plans to head North for Thanksgiving were almost put on hold because of a blizzard. However, we had one window to get there, that window was Wednesday. On Wednesday morning Alex uttered the words that  strikes fear in a mom's heart. "My head is itchy!" (scratch scratch scratch)

Oh god no, please no! I looked, there were critters. Fun fact, if you want to get out of your family Thanksgiving, head lice will get you uninvited in about an hour!

Poor baby, he and Daryl were looking forward to seeing their cousins as much as I was, we all cried a little. :-(

But, I handled it, everything in our house has either been shampoo'd, laundered, dried on high heat or sprayed! The Manor is critter free. Yay!

Probably more because of the incoming blizzard, Grandma Rosie came to spend Turkey day with us! My life loves to fall apart at the end of November, and my Mom always comes to make it better. When Alex was telling Grandma why we couldn't go on our trip she told him with a straight face, "oh well, shit happens!" He laughed and laughed and that was our mantra for Thursday!

Today, we all went to Potwin Pottery and made some art. The boys usually loose interest after the first coat of paint, this year they finished their projects! We all had a great time and we all agreed it was the best part of our staycation. I can't wait to see how our projects turned out.

I hope everyone out there got some moments of joy these last two days. Even if you had to ride out some tears!

Whip Cream is a personal decision

Love Potwin Pottery! 

Alex's monster has potential! 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Family that Sews Together, Yells Together 😂

I told Daryl to model his bag. I guess I should have been more specific.
Thursday, Daryl had his first sewing project meeting of t he 4-H year. The project was a lined bag with box corners. The project leaders already had all the pieces cut out so the youth got to start sewing right away. He really liked that! We left with just about 30 minutes of work left to do and he finished it this evening. 
He wants to make another one already! He wants to give one to his teacher for Christmas, so tomorrow the fabric store. Yay!! 
This weekend I got to see all of my 4-H friends and take 9 Shawnee County youth to a 4-H leadership conference. It was a Win-Win! I got to catch up with friends in front of a cozy fire, thanks to Lumber Jenny! I also got a good start on my third hat from the same ball of sock yarn. I hope I can finish it before I run out of yarn. Looking forward to a short work week and seeing family. I'm also looking forward to pie! Yummm

I'm so impressed how far he has come in sewing.
I hardly yell at him at all anymore!  
My hat on Saturday, at the beginning of the conference. 
My hat, Sunday evening! 

Jenny Candi weekend! 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

My Second Dress No. 2

Monday I had the day off of work and it was COLD! I took the boys to school in  my pajamas and thought about just spending the day cleaning the house. Then, I remembered I had bought fabric to make another Dress No. 2. It is a great dress to wear with leggings and boots, I wanted to make a couple of more before this time of year. So sewing or cleaning.....on Monday I got all the way to the hems and making the bias tape for the neckline!

All week I knew it would only take an hour or so to finish it. Today was the day! The boys were busy upstairs so I took my opportunity and finished it. I love it! But my favorite part is the pretty floral pockets. I'm sure I will show them to everyone who compliments the dress! LOL

I made the small size and added 3 inches to the pattern length. I like my tunics about knee length. :-)

Neck Hole bias tape, what I consider the tricky part! 

Ignore the socks! LOL 

Photo Bomber! 

100 Acts Of Sewing Dress No. 2! 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Oct. Goal Update (Late, so sue me!)

Just this morning I was talking about it being too cold for October. That is when my co worker reminded me it is November! So I have not caught up to our new month. The boys and I attended 4-H Achievement Night last Saturday, other than that we have been chill! After 10 months I don't want to slack now on my goal update. The good news is, tracking your yearly goals every month works. I'm done with three of my four goals! Now I just have to decide what I want to accomplish next year!

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 9
Still 9

I am reading a book right now, so this goal should be all good by the November update! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 4 DONE 

Goal completed! I made myself a Barley Light hat from some awesome sock yarn I bought in 2018 at the Dallas Fiber and Wool Festival. I'm actually knitting another one because I don't want to waste any of this yarn, it feels so nice!

Run 400 Miles: 464!! DONE 

I added 52 miles in October! I ran my first half marathon in three years this month. It was rainy, the course was hilly and the starting corral was crowded. Even with all of that I was very happy with my race. I ran a 2:16 and I really only walked through water stations. I started with the 2:20 pace group but after five miles I decided to try to catch the 2:15 group. I almost got them! I won't be adding many miles in November. My foot is hurting me and I know that means time off. There is nothing else that fixes it. Still doing cardio, just not on the treadmill. 

Five House Projects:DONE! 
Replaced 4 Basement windows (10/11) 
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

The boys did their assessments for Upward basketball 

They both looked great! 

Alex made this sign to carry at Halloween. In case people wanted to know what he was. I think his sign was my favorite part of the costume! "I am funny Groot"