Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Let The Stress Begin

Yesterday, I started my three week study leave. This is the time I have to complete my final portfolio for consideration for graduation. I also have a case study due for my final course in the program during this time.

So I started the day by taking the boys to school, while I'm not at work we have been biking instead of walking! Then I sat down and made a list of all the things I had to do. I then immediately started freaking out.  There is a lot to do.

Today, I made more progress and found almost all of my points that I need to write about. So tomorrow I will become a writing tornado!! That's the plan at least. 19 days to put the finishing touches on the last three and a half years of work.

Must focus now!!!!

After day two of riding to and from school. Way more fun than walking!

The boys spent all weekend riding their bikes around the neighborhood.
 It's like they just remember they had them! 

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