Thursday, October 17, 2019

Picture Day or OMG Those Faces!!

The writing has been easy some days and hard others. However, I am more or less on schedule for my final project due date. Yay!!

I have been enjoying the slow pace of my study leave mornings. Getting the boys ready without having to get myself ready. And yes, I have been biking or dropping them off looking a little homeless. I don't care, I'm just going back home to write!

Other than school work we have had other things going on. Yesterday was picture day! Both boys picked a shirt to wear on Tuesday night and I had them ready to go. Wednesday morning they both changed their minds and I didn't even yell! #momwin

Last week, I had the basement windows replaced. I should have taken a before picture but trust me, the old windows were awful. I had to cover a couple of them with cardboard and plastic because the panes were falling out.

Ok, I have about 20 pages left to go. Might get another October blog post, might not. We shall see!

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