Sunday, April 7, 2019

Grandma Rosie is Home!

Yay! The Manor is a lot happier this week. Grandma Rosie is in her Meerpohl rotation of the year. We have her until July! Yay!

She has been busy her first week here. She has been playing in the yard and cleaning the garage. She is making a mess, but having fun doing it! The boys are also so happy not to have to be drug to my work stuff for awhile. I think they were at the park every day this week after school. Purl is getting used to being out of her kennel all day too. We are all living our best life.

The boys went to dad's this afternoon so mom and I went to the Governor's mansion trail. She walked and I ran. It was great having some mom daughter time!

On Friday we were watching a show and a girl dyed her hair bright purple. Alex said, "I want to do that, but blue!" I thought it might be cool since his hair is light enough to do it. So today we went to Wal-Mart and got some color. He was so happy! Too bad it didn't really work. He got gray hair, hmmmmmm. He wasn't too sad about it, at least we tried!

Post run/walk selfie!

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