Saturday, April 13, 2019

An Alberto Milestone!

On Friday Alex lost his first tooth! It has been wiggling for awhile, I've never seen him so happy. I just poked my head into his after school program because I had to drop something off at the school. Alex ran over to me and almost knocked me over! "I LOST MY TOOTH MOM!" It was great and I don't want to ever forget it. :-)

Today I ran the Rock the Parkway 5K! I had signed up for the half marathon in November. Well that was ambitious, AND when I got an e-mail two weeks ago about how to change your registration I considered it fate. I had a much better time running 3 miles happily than run/walking/limping 13.1 miles. I will try the Half again. It just wasn't for me today.
Official Stats I placed 487th out of 1722, I was 34th of 153 Women 35-39 and my time was a respectable 31:06.

This is pure joy! 

If you want the cash, you gotta write a letter! 
It was a great race morning. It wasn't that cold and I had the best cheering section! 

Rembrandt and Jefferson drove me, cheered me as I finished and bought me lunch!
Best 5k ever! 

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