Monday, March 11, 2019

Spring Break and Family Secrets shhhhhhh

We are officially in day one of Spring Break. The boys have been shipped SW to spend some quality time with their cousins. They were so excited to go that they wanted to leave at 6am on Sunday. Since daylight savings time was springing forward, we left closer to 11! ;-)

Last week went fast with basketball awards and Daryl's 4th grade music program. At the Upward awards ceremony they had a magician so that was the highlight of the night. I'm happy to have a break from Saturday games, but they both enjoyed the league so hopefully it works for us to do that again next year.

Daryl's program was last Thursday and he did a great job! The theme was western so he was very excited to wear his cowboy stuff. I even got him a new shirt because I don't have very many reasons to get him new clothes, he told me thank you for his shirt three days in a row. Daryl is pretty sweet most of the time.

The funniest moment of the week happened before Daryl's program when Alex was talking to a school buddy. Kelly, Mike and Aunt Barb were all there to witness it too!

Al's Friend-"Our other friend is sitting in the back let's go say hi."
Me-"I'll go say hi too."
Al's Friend-"You can't do that, stranger danger."
Me-"I'm not a stranger, you know me!"
Al's Friend-"I only know you because you married him (points at Kelly) and you two adopted him (points at Alex).
Alex-"I'm not adopted!"
Al's Friend- "Yes you are, you're white!"

All of us were laughing so hard, Alex included. It has been awhile since somebody has insisted I'm not Alex's bio mom. It's pretty funny when it happens. Later in the night Alex was throwing a fit about something when Grandpa Mike told us to take it easy on him, he just found out he was adopted!
How we road trip across the state. 

My little cowboy! 

Cousin love!! 

My company on the long car ride home. 

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