Friday, March 22, 2019

Unethical Research

I have now been in my Introduction to Research class for two weeks. So I know that the research I have been doing on Daryl can only be categorized as unethical. Not for physical harm that might happen (I think), but perhaps emotional harm (more probable).

On Sunday night when Daryl was with Kelly he had an earache. He woke up on Monday and said there was no way he could go to school. So Kelly took him to the doctor. Our doctor has been seeing both boys since Alex was born. So, he let Kelly look in Daryl's ear to see that is was pink but not that bad. He said that if it were his kid he would not give him an antibiotic. He did however, in front of Daryl, give Kelly a prescription in case Daryl's ear got much worse.

For the rest of Monday and Tuesday morning I didn't hear anything about his ear unless I was reminding him it was time for ibuprofen. So I was very surprised to get a call from Kelly at work and hear that Daryl was spending more time in the Nurse's office than class. Daryl told the nurse he needed his prescription filled so his ear would get better.

I told Kelly it was all in his head, and his ear was going to be fine. But we both know that once Daryl gets an idea he won't let it go! So I decided to do a little research experiment. My hypothesis was If I give my son a different color of ibuprofen and tell him it is an antibiotic his ear will feel better. Kelly agreed with the idea, there was a little bit of an evil laugh, and I took him a red ibuprofen in a blank bottle to school. I told him he had to take two pills a day for three days.

I'm here to tell you my hypothesis was correct, on Thursday he was healed! I can not recommend that you try and replicate my research project. Like I stated before: unethical. 😂😂

Enjoyed our day off of school and work at Going Bonkers! 

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