Thursday, February 28, 2019

2019 Goals Check In

Month two down, so let's check on those 2019 goals! It was hard to get started this month on reading and running after focusing so hard in January. I did get some stuff done and hit my miles goal for the month. I won't wait five days to start running in March. It was hard to catch up after doing that!

Read 10 Books: 3
I had two books from Jan. In Feb I added:
You Are a Badass by Sincero. The title got a giggle from both boys while I was reading it. It was a little too Zen for my taste, but did have some good points on positive thinking. So I've been practicing that!

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 1
Still at one. Didn't get anything completed this month. I'm making my own pattern for a hat and when it was almost done it wasn't right. So I ripped it back a little last night and am trying to fix it. Should mean I have one thing knit in March!

Run 400 Miles: 84
Whoop Whoop! I added 39 miles in Feb. My goal was 36 so I'm very happy with my miles. Even after my slow start!

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 0/00 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00 )

Yay! I got some house projects knocked off the list! The Dishwasher has been purchased but not installed yet. I'm sure that will warrant it's own post. I've been salty every time I have done dished since I bought it this weekend. Grrrrr

Tell me friends what goals are you making progress on?

On Saturday the boys had their last Upward Basketball games for the season. Action photographer, I am not! LOL

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