Tuesday, February 19, 2019

4-H Club Days

On Saturday Daryl and Alex participated in County Club Days. We had to adjust what Daryl signed up for this year because of basketball. So he didn't do a historical speech he opted for Impromptu. It was his first year trying this event and I was very proud of him. He got a red ribbon but I think that was mostly because his speech was 48 seconds long. :-)

Alex did his second year of Show and Share. He was a lot more confident this year! He showed off a woodworking project that he did at the Kansas Discovery Center. He spoke loud enough that the judge could hear him and answered all her questions. Way to go Alberto!

On Sunday Daryl went with me to the beef weigh in. It was cold but he really wanted to go. He didn't complain but did ask if we were almost done a few times! LOL

Stood out in the cold for two hours while I wrote down weights.
He said he is ready to do it again next year! 

This little guy has come a long way in a year! 

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