Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019 Goal Check In

I set some goals in January and I'm pretty proud of my progress! I'm going to try and do a monthly update to keep my goals top of mind. I also journal to remind me daily of what I need to be doing. If you don't plan your time, it passes anyway. Mostly while you are watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. LOL

Read 10 Books: 2
Girl Go Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis (A lot of good ideas, my favorite was don't flake on yourself)
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, David Sedaris (Just funny.)

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 1
Finished Mitts for Alex!

Run 400 Miles: 41
Whoop Whoop!

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 0/00 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 0/00 )
Water Heater (Completed: 0/00 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00 )

Too Cold for house projects! Maybe later.....

How are you doing on your goals?

First project of 2019! He has already lost them once. Ugh

It's easy to read with reading buddies! 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Daryl's First Lock-In!

Every year 4-H has a Jr. Sr. Lock-In that starts at seven and goes till midnight. This was the first year Daryl was old enough to attend. To make it more fun he also invited his friend from school to be his guest. It was a great time at the YMCA and even though it was 0 degrees outside, the kids were swimming in the pool inside!

The speaker of the Lock In gave many powerful lessons of achieving your dreams through hard work. He then taught all 80 youth how to salsa dance! Daryl said he liked that part but all of the girls he danced with were too tall! Going to have to get used to that, buddy!

Daryl and I had a Mom Son day the day after the lock-in. We had breakfast at Hanovers, cruised Target (WE DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING!), and watched the Chief's game with friends. Poor Chiefs! It was fun to have a day all to ourselves. Talking in the car Daryl told me when he is with Dad he misses me and when he is with me he misses Dad. I told him the truth, it is the same for us! So I told him to enjoy his time with each of us while he is there and know that the other parent is patiently waiting our turn. :-)

He is growing up before our eyes.

Learning his salsa steps! 

Slept till 10:30 the next morning. He said they stayed up till 3am!
 I was in bed at 12:30! 

Never too old for a place mat with a puzzle on it! 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Saturday Hoops Day

After many months of practice and building excitement Alex and Daryl played their first basketball games on Saturday. They both did great, made some baskets and learned a lot! I'm sure their teams will only get better as the kids learn to play together. In Alex's league 1st and 2nd grade they are just figuring out the rules.

I know they are learning a lot of lessons exploring this new world of basketball. I just think they are so stinkin' cute in their uniforms! When I picked Alex up from school on Friday he said, "Mom it's almost time for my game." Daryl said, "It isn't until tomorrow Alex." Alex replied, "It's closer than it was this morning!" Love that attitude!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Putting in place an idea...

The best time to make a new devices rule was probably not the week before Christmas break.

One thing that I love when we do go device free is we pick a movie together, or read together, or plan what we want to do together. Before, we might all be in the living room but we are all doing different things.

The night before we went back to school Alex was bored so he decided to draw. Then I said he should write a story. Then Daryl had opinions about the project. As I'm writing this post I realize boredom may not be the enemy. Boredom may be the catalyst for playing with the old toy, getting out a board game or finding the book to read.

I don't have a word for 2019 and I don't think I want boredom to be that word. Maybe it should be calm or stillness. We need to have a shut down time so we can see what else might happen. That was not the result I was seeking but the boys are amazing me with that outcome.

So the rule is no devices from 5pm to 8:30pm. We only break that to look up a recipe to make or to pick out a Netflix movie to watch. I have also decided I can take pictures. :-)

Here are some pictures of shut down time
How close can we get to the geese game. 

Alex made a friend at the zoo. 
He mastered cupcakes from a mix so he made a yellow cake from scratch! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I got this!

New Year, new goals, that is how I operate. I don't get motivated about something unless I make a goal out of it. Then you can divide the work by 12 and then by 4 and make a little game of it. I'm weird but this system has kept me in shape and I've paid off a lot of debt. I like a to do list and I love a good goal!

I didn't do too bad last year but I only completely accomplished my four trips goal. I made it to Colorado, Texas, South Dakota and Hawaii! I don't have a trip goal this year because that kind of traveling is a little pricey. Do have one trip planned this summer for me and the boys. Pretty excited about getting them on an airplane!

So I have five house projects on the list for 2019. Hence the less trips this year. In 2018 I became a homeowner, time to act like it!

I have set the goal to knit four things this year. I only did two last year but I'm already halfway done with something right now. So I'm stacking the win column.

I plan to run 400 miles this year. Don't laugh too hard, you'll hurt yourself. (That's only 8ish a week. That's only 5 more than I'm getting now! LOL!)

And I WILL read 10 books this year. That shouldn't be that hard, I enjoy reading, I just like sleep more. I got a book for my Birthday from my sister in law and that is being read right now. Nine more to go!

What's your goal for 2019? It's not about changing yourself, it's about bettering yourself. :-)

Spent New Year's eve in Lawrence and ended up at the Jazz House. They had a live band and it was a lot of fun. I don't remember the last time I was on the town for New Year's Eve so, I'm glad I talked Jefferson into it!

Took the boys skating Saturday, we lasted two hours! 

Can you beat a pickle and slush at the snack bar?

After we all got out on Limbo. Yes, I played too!

New Year's Toast! Nothing to complain about in 2018.
Let's keep that going in 2019!