Tuesday, June 26, 2018


I have vacationed in Colorado before, but did not bike, hike, raft or camp! Turns out those are the best reasons to go visit mountains. After hearing about all of Jeff's Colorado adventures I wanted to try them all, and we got close! 

So more thoughts and lots of pictures: 

I was really excited about camping, turns out I'm scared of bears. Didn't see one but was still a nervous trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night! 

I might be a better mountain biker than I thought. After our last day riding in Crested Butte, my wheel was totally pointing to the left when it should have been pointing straight. Don’t know how long it was like that but could have explained some difficulties I was having.

Ground hogs are not good at crossing the street. RIP poor groundhog...

I get really excited when I see chipmunks! 

The most important part of biking or hiking mountains is the snack you bring for your snack break! 

The people that you meet also exploring mountains are great! 

If you spend three plus hours doing anything outdoors, you deserve a craft beer! (or margarita) 

Hot Springs are hotter than you think....

Knowing your left from your right is very important when being the copilot of the car and when rafting a river. 

Biking on a Crested Butte Trail!
Princess Penelope getting new pedals. A much needed upgrade! 


It was a little cold....probably got down to 35 degrees. Brrr

I couldn't get over the flowers in Colorado.

Alien Hut!

The trail we were hiking around Ouray Colorado.

A photo of Ouray from the trail.

Selfie in a Canyon! 

Beer from Odell brewery in Ft Collins.
A great way to end my vacation! Back to reality!!

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