Sunday, June 10, 2018

I am not getting paid for this post!

To fight summer learning loss I decided to get the boys some workbooks for summer. I didn't really know what to expect when I ordered the brain quest summer learning workbooks. They are pretty cool! Each page the boys finish they get to put a sticker on their map. There are 100 lessons and the books are created by teachers. Alex is working on the K to 1 book and Daryl is tackling the 3 to 4 book. Alex has about 20 pages done in two days!! Daryl's pages are a little harder, his first lesson was rewrite sentences to make them complete. So he is not moving so fast; at least he is trying. If you can motivate your kids with a sticker map, I 100% recommend them! 

On Saturday, mom and I went to my Uncle and Aunt's 45th wedding anniversary party. It was so much fun to see so much family! Great company, food, sangria and cake! I think their daughters should probably celebrate their 46th anniversary too!  LOL

It has been a full weekend, and next week I leave for 4-H camp! I'm praying for a cool breeze and less mosquito bites than I had last year!! Let's do this. :-) 

His map will be done in no time! 

I'm mom's taxi! 

The happy couple! 

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