Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Club Days Firsts

On Saturday both boys participated in our 4-H County Club Days. For those of you unfamiliar with 4-H, Club Days is when youth can do public performances, and get a critique. They can also advance to a regional competition where they get another critique. It is a great way youth practice getting up in front of people, and speaking or performing.

This was Alberto's very first club days! He is five, and a little shy with strangers, so I was totally expecting him to not participate. In fact he told me on Friday, I'm not doing it, you can't make me. Five and Six year olds can only do show and tells. They also do not get a rating, just their critique and a participation ribbon.

With the bribe of a cinnamon roll, he took his bag of rocks for show and share. He walked into the room, holding his rocks, and did not say a word. Bless his judge, she greeted him and immediately started asking him questions. To answer her questions he kept taking steps closer. Next thing you know they had a great little conversation, and in the very end he finally introduced himself! "I'm Alex Meerpohl and I'm in the Shunga Valley Club." Very good first Club Days Alex!

This is Daryl's fourth club days. (That is hard for me to believe.) He has done Show and Share, and a couple of project talks. He is usually super quiet and not very prepared. This year, with his increased interest in history, he did a historical speech. In that category, you recite a historical speech in character. He picked a Dwight D Eisenhower speech, and he nailed it! Eisenhower read the speech from a paper, so lucky him, he got to do that too. He pronounced words like tenuous, but did goof a little on prestige. It was cute! He did so well, he qualified for regional club days for the first time!

So proud of both of my boys. I may have withheld breakfast a few morning until Daryl read me his speech, but the tears were worth it. He was the most prepared he had ever been. And, I always did give him his peanut butter toast. A mom has got to do, what a mom has got to do!

Looking sharp early in the morning! 
This show and share was just too cute for words! 


Is that President Eisenhower? 

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