Friday, February 16, 2018

Music Program Night

Well another couple of weeks have gone by, with no one updating the blog. This school thing is trying to kill me! After this class I am officially half way done. I don't know if that excites me, or depresses me. Depends on the homework for that week. :-)

On Feb. 8th the boys both had a music program. Our school does it by grades, so there is no guarantee your kids will have a program on the same night. We got lucky this year! Even more lucky because Grandma Rosie got to come hear it too. Both boys sang, and did their actions. Our music teacher puts on the best programs! Daryl was super excited to wear his first ever suit. We had to have the waist taken in probably two inches, but he looked very sharp!

Alex woke up the morning of the program in tears. He said, "MOM it is SEVEN, I was suppossed to be in my classroom at 5:45! I missed my program!!!" I calmed him down and let him know the program was PM not AM. Of course he didn't feel better until we talked to an actual teacher at drop off. Apparently mom can't be trusted. :-)

On Valentine's Day I learned a couple of things. Daryl is still sensitive to artificial sweeteners. Sorry he threw up at your house Kelly. :-(  And, Alex is dead set on not having any pictures taken of him right now. I hope he grows out of that soon. I have to have pictures of my ALBERTO!!

My boys clean up so nice! 

This is now the regular face on get from Daryl for pictures. Ugh

I bought the boys stuffed animals and chocolate for Valentine's Day. They liked them! 

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