Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Another One Bites the Dust

This very relieved graduate student is happy to say, another semester down! This class was fun and I will miss team Dilly Dilly, but I won't miss doing homework all weekend!

I really can't believe that it is March already. I did love that one week of warm weather we had. It is Kansas, so I knew that wasn't going to last. Daryl had a good couple of days of raking leaves and picking up sticks in the back yard. He is trying to find a place for a garden this summer. He already has Lima Bean seeds and bugs me every day to plant them.

I think we need to visit with our local Horticulture Extension agent about optimal planting times. His excitement also confuses me, because he has never wanted a Lima bean in his life! When it is time to plant things (I will have to google that), I will get him a cherry tomato plant. That way if it actually does produce fruit at least Alex will eat it. I have never been successful with plants, maybe Daryl will have better luck than me!

Sometime since our last blog I took the boys to Potwin pottery to paint. This type of ceramics requires that you paint the piece three times. So for us it goes like this:

Picking What you want to paint- This is so much fun, I love you mom!
Coat #1- Why don't we do this all the time, art is so much fun!
Coat #2- It is kinda hard to stay in the lines that you made with the first coat. I'm a little frustrated. I don't like waiting till it dries to do my next coat. hurumpf
Coat #3- I'm done, you finish it mom. I don't like coming here...
Leaving the store- Tears, whining and general moodiness
But Then
Picking up your fired piece a week later- I LOVE IT! Can we paint here again soon!!!

Alex did all of his turtle except the black lines! 

Daryl made Easter eggs. 

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