Thursday, November 30, 2017

Looking at you December!

If you are going to have a birthday on a Thursday, might as well spend it with some of your best work friends from across the state. Monica even brought me a present! I'm spoiled, and I have no regrets! LOL

The boys asked their dad if they could bring me a present before school today. It really started my day off right. It was a cute coffee mug with skittles and a Starbucks gift card in it. Good job boys! When I picked them up from school Daryl was trying his best not to fight with his brother, since it was my birthday. He was trying so hard we got a pizza for dinner, birthday pizza! 

After that I finally gave in and got the Christmas tree from the basement. Daryl has wanted to do this since Thanksgiving. Growing up I was always weird about not decorating till after my birthday. After all, I am not a December baby. That was intentional, thanks mom! Since my birth had been thoroughly celebrated, we decorated. Now it's Christmas time! We will continue to deck our halls this weekend.

I need another little tree to go on the other side of the white tree. I'm going to make a little Christmas tree forest in the corner. 

Funny Alex story. On Saturday he got in big trouble for being mean to Cedar. He may have pulled out some of his hair. So he went to his room and was in there for an hour throwing a huge tantrum. He did finally come out, apologize, and calm down. 

Well, Monday night I was arranging his blankets to tuck him in when I see something written on his sheet. In pen. I turn my head to read it, and it says, Alexs mom is sopid. My first thought was, wow should a kindergartner really be writing in sentences? My second thought was, you can't even spell stupid, what does that make you?! Lastly, I thought it's bedtime, I'm not even doing this right now. 

Me: "Alex, did you write on your sheet?" (We are both looking at the sheet)
Alex: looking me square in the eyes, "I don't remember." 

That boy! 

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