Monday, November 6, 2017

A Green Sweater Story

I know I laugh sometimes when people ask how long it takes me to knit something. They may not even believe me when I reply years. There are many reasons I'm a slow knitter, but most are I get distracted by other things. I start a different knitting pattern, I sew for a bit, or more recently I'm taking a class, and only have time to read and write papers.

This particular sweater was my second time using the lovely Wollmeise Lace yarn. It's kind of a pain in the neck to get this yarn, because it is made in Germany in very small quantities. But, the color and quality of this yarn is amazing! The Lace yarn costs $60 a skein so I limit myself to only buying one at a time and I have to knit with it before I buy another one.

I've checked the records to give this sweater a timeline.
So I bought this lovely 4-H green yarn in Dec. 2013
I started my sweater pattern on August 28, 2014
I finished it yesterday, Nov. 5, 2017

Mostly, I'm just thankful that after three years I'm still the same size! Yay!!
P.S.-Making a sweater out of lace weight yarn is crazy pants, I do not recommend it.
P.P.S.- I'll most likely do it again....

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