Friday, October 6, 2017

Let's Party!

Everyone at the Manor has had reason to celebrate! The boys had their elementary school skate night last week. Alex was doing really good with the walker thing, but after awhile didn't want to use it anymore.

He decided to just hold my hand and skate that way. Only problem is every time he started to fall I had to yank him back up to a standing position. He, oddly enough, didn't complain about this. However, things like this now hurt my back. So I felt the skating for a couple of days! Oh the joys of getting older.

Daryl had a really good time too, he just didn't want me to skate with him and his friends. So Alex and I kept our distance. LOL

I'm celebrating because I've finished another semester of Graduate school! I only take one class a semester so it will be a long time till I'm done. The reading for this class about did me in. The material was very interesting, but there is a reason I haven't been keeping up with the blog, the housework or the knitting!! So I'm happy to be home this weekend and just get caught up on things!

1 comment:

  1. Party is always a name of excitement and fun for kids. Nice sharing.
