Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weekend Whirlwind!

Last weekend was so much fun I'm just now getting a chance to write about it. It started Friday evening with a celebration of the new class of Topeka's 20 under 40. I wasn't sure I was in the mood to have an adult night out, but my friends reminded me they are super fun. They were right, as usual, and I had a great night catching up with everyone!

However, that 6am alarm rang early when it was time to be off to Dodge City for my cousin's wedding on Saturday! You can never have enough reasons to celebrate with your family and this wedding was a great celebration. The ceremony was great, and the boys stayed quiet!! Yippee!

The reception, dinner and dance was just a lot of fun. Daryl had a little too much fun at the candy bar, he payed for that later that evening. I don't think he will be eating hot tamales for awhile! Thank you to Kayleigh and Brice for letting us be a part of your day! Also, big thanks to Aunt Rita and Uncle Steve for letting us stay with you and visit. Sorry about the puking kid! oops We will be back soon!
How Alex wanted to dress for the wedding. His new shirt was a scarf!

How we finally convinced him to wear his clothes!
Some day I want someone to love me as much as Alex loves cake! LOL

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